这是 V-Ray Next for 3ds Max, update 3.0。以下是这个版本中的亮点: +7$zL;ph=n V-Ray GPU RTX 支持 - 通过 V-Ray GPU 上的 RTX 支持加快您的工作流程。
}^Ky)** 调试着色 - 轻松隔离纹理、
材质和几何体,以帮助调试 V-Ray IPR 和 V-Ray GPU IPR 中的大型着色网络。
822 jZ
sb V-Ray 卡通明暗器 - 快速添加卡通和 cel 着色效果到您的 3D 项目。
2wv#- V-Ray GPU 支持 alSurface 材质 - 一种通用明暗器,在 V-Ray GPU 上具有分层的 SSS 和光泽菲涅尔反射。
b:YyzOqEu 内存跟踪 - 使用有关纹理和对象的新内存使用情况报告来优化场景。
Z)dE#A_X 视口 IPR 中的颜色校正 - 直接在视口 IPR 中应用 V-Ray 帧缓冲区颜色校正。
Jsw%.< V-Ray GPU 支持 VRayDistanceTex - 使用 V-Ray GPU 基于几何体更快地设置场景的着色器和
zH1:kko 灰尘和划痕镜头效果 - 使用新程序生成灰尘和划痕来模拟真实世界中的相机镜头效果。
BZs?tbf kz?m `~1
mFeoeI,Jv 品质值得信任
D?@e,e V-Ray 拥有完备的灯光,材质着色和渲染工具,帮助您创作专业的,逼真的图像和动画。
,]8$QFf 计算能力强大 iVqa0Gl+} 被设计成足以面对最复杂的项目,极大范围的场景。您可以用 V-Ray 渲染任何内容。
Xu 渲染快速 HT6+OK(~dJ 花费更少的等待时间,获得更多的创作空间。哪怕项目周期紧张,也可从容地做出最棒的成果。
E1V;eoK.D 可控性高 6<+ 8[o V-Ray 把控制权完全交给您。V-Ray 拥有众多功能,供您选择最合适您的场景的渲染方式。
[sweN]b6F 高度整合 &0QtHcXpR 随心所欲地工作,完全不会分心。V-Ray 与 3ds Max 无缝整合,让您的工作流程流畅又自如。
]eD5It\ 行业标杆 >Vvjs 从独立艺术家到顶级工作室,都选择 V-Ray 来创作世界一流的设计和影视特效。
r%^J3 I]OVzM
\4r?=5v* 本版支持 3ds Max(Design)2014 / 2015 / 2016 / 2017 / 2018 / 2019 / 2020 的 64 位版本 9Di@r!Db Rr0@F`"R V-Ray Next 4.30.00 版已经集成了以下几款经典插件: hJcN*2\: 1、FloorGenerator 2.10(地板生成器插件高级版)中英文切换版,
点击进入查看调用详情 i9%cpPrg8 2、MultiTexture 2.01(地板多重随机纹理材质插件)中英文切换版,
点击进入查看调用详情 07:N)y, 1__Mf.A v1Wz#oP !<P|:Oo*Dl fqcFfz6?x ~-.^eT kP
@&G< Np` V-Ray Next for 3ds Max, update 2 系统要求 5sc`L 最低要求: t@(`24 Windows® 7
*+wGXm 仅支持 IPv4,目前不支持 IPv6
82<F 4 GB 内存
X! 700 MB 硬盘空间
?tJyQT 支持 SSE4.2 的第一代 Intel® Core™ 或兼容处理器(x64)
?pAO?5Z:} 推荐要求: aj71oki) Windows® 8
WjrUns 仅支持 IPv4,目前不支持 IPv6
F {g^4 8 GB 内存
fW,,@2P 更高的缓存,更高的内存带宽和更多的内核更好。
o?Wp[{K 700 MB 硬盘空间
%L\buwjy$ 支持 SSE4.2 的第一代 Intel® Core™ 或兼容处理器(x64)
;0R>D g n8!qz:z/
*7ggw[~ 从 VRay 4.20.01 版本后的新功能、更改功能以及修复如下: `o.DuvQ
E 内部版本 4.30.00 (V-Ray Next, update 3) (2019 年 11 月 19 日) _msV3JBr 新功能: P?y3YxS ■ V-Ray:添加一个
渲染器参数“ options_useColorSpaceForBitmaps”,该参数告诉所有 VRayHDRI
me#?1r 注释:这个选项是“对位图使用颜色空间”;
|b@H]c;" ■ V-Ray GPU:添加对 NVIDIA RTX 卡 RT 内核的支持;
■ V-Ray GPU:添加对禁用的“内存帧缓冲区”的支持;
k&8:;Vj ■ V-Ray GPU:支持 Deep EXR(深层 EXR)输出;
1|?8g2Vf ■ V-Ray 云:将 Chaos 云客户端应用
安装程序添加到 V-Ray for 3ds Max 安装程序中;
ii.L]#3y ■ VRayHDRI:添加锐化的等向(各向同性)纹理过滤方法;
hdw-ge m{? ■ VRayHDRI:允许通过其他贴图来控制 UVW 坐标;
"k8Yc<`u ■ VRayHDRI:当从另一个纹理获取贴图坐标时,添加“过滤倍增”参数可分别控制模糊;
.HM1c ■ VRayOSL:在 3ds Max 的 OSL 中添加使普通纹理贴图成为阴影图形的一部分的功能;
!~3 ■ VRayVolumeGrid(VRay 体积栅格):增加对新的 TexUVW Phoenix FD 通道的体积光和网格模式渲染的支持;
K/2k/\Jk[_ ■ .vrscene exporter(V-Ray 场景文件导出器):导出 VRayBlendMtl(VRay 混合材质)中使用材质 ID 的材质;
修改功能: KuU]enC3 ■ VRayLight((VR)灯光):改进平行光采样;
kQ,#NR/q6 ■ V-Ray:自适应穹顶 VRayLight((VR)灯光)支持来自文件中的灯光缓存;
W\'njN ■ V-Ray IPR(V-Ray 交互式产品级渲染):在调试着色中向“孤立选定对象”添加全局照明(GI)基值;
1]yOC)u"i ■ V-Ray:为灯光缓存添加“动画”和“静止”预设;
SIJ:[=5!7 ■ V-Ray:更改渐进式图像采样器的默认值:渲染时间 - 0;噪波阈值 - 0.01;
kOe%w-_ ■ V-Ray:多线程执行 OpenEXR 压缩和解压缩以提高性能;
QT1(= wK3 ■ V-Ray:将 Embree(高性能光线跟踪)更新到 3.2.0;
t SST.o3 ■ V-Ray:将 OpenEXR 更新到 2.3.0;
e&Z\hZBb ■ V-Ray:将光线跟踪材质渲染为黑色以减轻其问题;
}PZz(Ms ■ V-Ray GPU:实现预倍增灯光缓存,从而优化某些场景的着色计算;
xwjim7#_: ■ V-Ray GPU:对选定的子材质执行调试着色;
- nWs@\ ■ V-Ray GPU:改进用户定义的明暗器(GLSL、MDL 等)编译;
U=?hT&w\S ■ V-Ray GPU:优化到多个设备的网格传输;
)+^1QL ■ V-Ray 云/V-Ray 单机:优化多维/子对象材质的渲染;
&cjE+ ■ VRayALSurfaceMtl(VRay 曲面材质):实现凹凸阴影;
z3l=aAw8 ■ VRayALSurfaceMtl(VRay 曲面材质):对于通过光泽折射看到的材质,不计算 SSS;
-rU~ ■ VRayStochasticFlakesMtl(VRay 随机雪花材质):随机薄片通过光泽折射不可见;
~[@Gj{6p0 ■ VRayCompTex(VRay 合成纹理):添加“混合量”选项来控制纹理图混合比例;
Z[.+Wd\)-9 ■ VRayDiffuseFilter(VRay 漫反射过滤器)/VRayReflectionFilter(VRay 反射过滤器)/VRayRefractionFilter(VRay 折射过滤器):移除“颜色贴图”选项;
■ VRayExtraTex(VRay 附加纹理):添加一个选项,以禁用渲染元素的有损 DWAA/DWAB 压缩;
< bHu9D ■ VRayMtl(VRay 材质):重新排列纹理图示例窗;
H'Mc]zw_, ■ VRayOSL:在纹理图按钮,微调器和组合框上添加用于明暗器调整的工具提示;
fvajNP ■ VRayOSL:显示明暗器描述和帮助 URL 按钮(如果存在);
RP]hW{:U ■ VRayProxy(VRay 代理):改进错误记录;
1Aq*|JSk( ■ VRaySamplerInfo(VRay 采样信息):渲染元素应始终以无损压缩方式保存;
SrV+Ox ■ VRayVolumeGrid(VRay 体积栅格):通过从元数据中读取 VDB 缓存的最小最大通道范围,而不是计算它们来加快 VDB 缓存的加载;
`{g8A P3 ■ VRayVolumeGrid(VRay 体积栅格):使 Phoenix(火凤凰流体动力学插件)等值面的 UVW 坐标与相应网格的坐标相等;
Rd5ni2-nve ■ VFB(虚拟帧缓冲区):在 OCIO 颜色校正中添加“图像保存”选项,以保存校正后的图像;
_=c>>X ■ VFB(虚拟帧缓冲区):为镜头特效的“强度”和“阈值”参数添加滑块;
7)1wiEj ■ VFB(虚拟帧缓冲区):在渲染前,通过 MAXScript 启用默认分辨率以外的渲染区域设置;
}?,Gn]] ■ VFB(虚拟帧缓冲区):仅读取初始渲染时保存的窗口位置,然后使用最后一个有效位置;
:$&%Pxm ■ VFB(虚拟帧缓冲区):VFB(虚拟帧缓冲区)镜头特效面板的 UI(用户界面)改进;
i/rdPbq ■ V-Ray 场景转换器:将光线跟踪贴图转换为 VRayColor(VRay 颜色);
Q)\7(n Bug 错误修复: q!#e2Dx ■ V-Ray: Artifacts and flickering with "Hash map" Light cache in certain situations;
!Gu,X'#Ab ■ V-Ray: Artifacts when using Adaptive dome light and VRayFur with VRayMtl on it;
nu,#y"WQ ■ V-Ray: Artifacts with Adaptive dome and VRayToon;
YmM+x=G: ■ V-Ray/V-Ray GPU: Artifacts with Adaptive dome light with "affect reflections" disabled;
D'aq^T' ■ V-Ray: Crash in scenes with meshes with Point Cache modifier that are used in Forest Pro in animated mode;
` bd ■ V-Ray: Bright spots in VRayGlobalIllumination render element with Falloff map in Shadow/Light mode;
PF@+~FI ■ V-Ray: Compositing results don't match with matte reflections if "Consistent lighting elements" is enabled;
:mLcb.E ■ V-Ray: Lighting elements are not propagated through refractions with "Consistent lighting elements" enabled;
<va3L y)c& ■ V-Ray: Matte objects are present in the alpha channel when rendered through refractive objects;
>ir'v5 ■ V-Ray: Memory tracking "GI" tag replaces "Misc." when rendering with Global illumination;
TEl:;4 ■ V-Ray: Physical Material with black reflections has dark outlines;
>*H>'O4 ■ V-Ray: The UI menus are active during rendering in 3ds Max 2020;
W R@=[G#TJ ■ V-Ray: Unhandled exception when having a PF Source with Mapping Object operator;
N+x0"~T}I ■ V-Ray: Using camera clipping planes makes the dome light invisible;
hK"hMyH^ ■ V-Ray: VRayEdgesTex always draws hidden edges when used as displacement texture;
^'i(@{{o\ ■ V-Ray: Wrong 3ds Max Render output JPEG image with Test resolution;
Tx?,]c,(u ■ VRayProxy: Wrong defocusAmount denoise element on proxy objects leading to artifacts when denoising;
f>ohu^bd ■ VFB: Wrong resolution when rendering a sequence with Test resolution and DR;
g1VdP[Y# ■ V-Ray IPR: Crash when adding materials with VRayHDRI to a material library;
1VK?Svnd ■ V-Ray IPR: Crash while scrubbing the timeline with VRayLightMtl in the scene;
[R>C ■ V-Ray IPR: Crash with VRayOSL shading graph and VRayLightMtl with Direct illumination on;
Kdk0#+xtP ■ V-Ray IPR: Crash with VRaySky texmap and Hair and Fur;
2N ■ V-Ray IPR: Debug Shading's Isolate Selected mode doesn't work correctly for objects with opacity;
y:(OZ%g ■ V-Ray IPR: Loops on building Light cache in a scene with VRayDistanceTex and Forest Pro;
/e :V44 ■ V-Ray IPR: Starting production rendering during Viewport IPR causes endless Light cache phase;
~4h<nc ■ V-Ray IPR: Unhandled exception with a Free Light and VRayLightMtl with Direct Illumination;
)orVI5ti ■ V-Ray GPU: Artifacts when using Metalness with Glossy Fresnel;
O,R5csMh ■ V-Ray GPU: Artifacts with Adaptive dome when objects are excluded from shadow casting in the light;
n 1MZHa, ■ V-Ray GPU: Artifacts with VRayALSurfaceMtl and Adaptive lights v2;
XlUM ~(7+v ■ V-Ray GPU: Bounding Box artifacts when rendering a VRayVolumeGrid;
Y$hYW ■ V-Ray GPU: Crash with hidden faces on subdivided geometry;
DhY.5 ■ V-Ray GPU: Crash during render with volumetrics;
W1'F)5(?7 ■ V-Ray GPU: Crash on stop during Light cache phase;
0+MNu8t ■ V-Ray GPU: Crash when cancelling the render for scene with lights include/exclude lists;
Jb~$Vrdy ■ V-Ray GPU: Crash when using VRayClipper on an object with material containing VRayCurvature map;
/aS= vjs ■ V-Ray GPU: defocusAmount denoise element is not generated with a standard cameras;
NRu_6~^^ ■ V-Ray GPU: Gaussian image filter doesn't match the CPU one;
ws8@yr<R ■ V-Ray GPU: Hidden edges of VRayEdgesTex is always on with VRayProxy;
-n&g**\w ■ V-Ray GPU: Hidden faces are being rendered during Light cache preview, creating wrong lighting;
P/N ■ V-Ray GPU: IPR with multiple GPUs produces CUDA_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE on stop;
4x7(50hp# ■ V-Ray GPU: Light cache doesn't work with DOF and perspective camera;
-e<d//> ■ V-Ray GPU: Nested refractive volumes are rendered wrong;
D4,kGU@ ■ V-Ray GPU: Noisier results with Adaptive lights compared to Light tree;
a`T ■ V-Ray GPU: NVLink GPU allocations only done for Dynamic geometry;
p3tu_If ■ V-Ray GPU: Optimized distance estimation for geometry heavy scenes;
%smQ`u| ■ V-Ray GPU: Random crash with tiled bitmaps;
m 2c>RCq ■ V-Ray GPU: Refractions are rendered darker since V-Ray Next, Update 2;
+m?;,JGt ■ V-Ray GPU: Unhandled exception when baking texture of a mesh with degenerate UVs;
d4ANh+}X"_ ■ V-Ray GPU: VRayVolumeGrids are not rendered correctly in VRayNormals render element;
be&5vl ■ V-Ray Cloud/V-Ray Standalone: Extremely slow light cache for scenes with displacement texmaps;
b-*3]gB ■ V-Ray Cloud/V-Ray Standalone: Matte reflections are not rendered;
R&oC9< ■ VRayALSurfaceMtl: Artifacts around geometries intersections and SSS density scale close to 0;
Ah^0FU%!g ■ VRayClipper: Holes in the clipped geometry when rendering with motion blur and the clipping mesh has animated skin modifier;
u&4CXv= ■ VRayDisplacementMod: Cracks with 3D Displacement and Keep continuity;
=ocr8c ■ VRayDisplacementMod: Memory leak with 2D displacement;
z7Xb0 ■ VRayDisplacementMod: Tangent Vector displacement mode clamps the texture's X and Y between 0 and 1 regardless of the Texmap min/max values;
3k YVk ■ VRayGLSL: Function vr_textureSize returns (0,0) always;
(CUrFZT$ ■ VRayHairFarmMod: Duplicated IDs in VRayCryptomatte element with more than one Hair Generate modifier;
NO$n-<ag ■ VRayHairNextMtl: Artifacts in raw render elements with Consistent lighting elements;
K)-Gv|*t ■ VRayHairNextMtl: Diffuse component should go in it's respective render elements;
l'yX_`*Iq ■ VRayHairNextMtl: Shade data is stored in VRayGlobalIllumination when Consistent lighting elements is on;
CMQlxX? ■ VRayLight: Different specular reflections when rendering directional disc light with V-Ray Cloud/V-Ray Standalone;
oAnNdo ■ VRayOCIO: Error in V-Ray messages when creating new instance;
U,G!u =+ ■ VRayOCIO: No scroll bar in the map color space selector;
8}B*a;d ■ VRayOrnatrixMod: Some VRayOrnatrixMod hairs have wrong velocity data with "dynamic tessellation";
R,3E_me"} ■ VRayOSL: Broken OSO bytecode export of a shader via MAXScript;
/mdPYV ■ VRayOSL: Bucket artifacts with user attributes;
] ^f7s36 ■ VRayOSL: Crash in microfacet("ggx") when roughness is greater than 0.0;
jruXl>T!U ■ VRayOSL: Crash when detach and reattach a sub-texmaps;
"-y2En ■ VRayOSL: Custom shaders cannot access user attributes with V-Ray Cloud/V-Ray Standalone;
5g x9W\a ? ■ VRayOSL: OSL string mapper widgets should be displayed as dropdown choices;
S_Tv Ix/7& ■ VRayOSL: Tooltips for combo boxes and extra texture buttons can become too wide;
Lc&LF* ■ VRayOSL: Tweak's min/max metadata inhibits changing parameter values;
■ VRayOSL: Wrong channel index read from the UV attribute;
^)JUl!5j]C ■ VRayOverrideMtl: Vignetting along concave edges with Light cache and many lights;
Q140b;Z ■ VRayPluginNode: Crash when rendering with TexSurfaceLuminance;
=up!lg^M ■ VRayProxy: Face/Material IDs are offset with one when loading Alembic files;
KA[8NPhzZ ■ VRayScannedMtl: Crash when loading a scene while the compact material editor open;
;s^br17z~ ■ VRayScannedMtl: Difference in the VRayBumpNormals render element when rendering with VRayBumpMtl;
IInsq ■ VRaySwitchMtl: Crash with undefined sub-material when displacement map is used in another sub-material;
tom1u>1n ■ VRayToonMtl: Toon effect missing on non-excluded geometry when the excluded object is hidden;
T>~D(4r|pS ■ VRayVolumeGrid: Displacement scale in Isosurface mode is not the same as in Mesh mode;
vM'"|4 ■ VRayVolumeGrid: Empty grids filled with density using the opacity curve render with different density in V-Ray Cloud/V-Ray Standalone;
=7e|e6 ■ VRayVolumeGrid: Mesh mode with a 2D scalar Displacement map renders with artifacts;
5W Z9z-6 ■ VRayZDepth: Refractive objects are white regardless of the Affect channels value with V-Ray GPU;
eU*0;# ■ VFB: Certain integer render elements are not displayed when loading EXR files;
?Z1&ju,Hd- ■ VFB: Crash when changing OCIO settings (View transform, Input colorspace) during Viewport IPR;
3PBGIo ■ VFB: History details comment is drawn over the previous one if changed via MAXScript;
0\y{/P?I$ ■ VFB: The scrollbar in the Color Corrections window hides some of the text;
1xBg^ ■ VFB: UI is not responsive with ICC color correction during IPR with V-Ray GPU;
n[E#K`gg' ■ V-Ray Toolbar: MAXScript error in vrutils.ms when trying to create a physical camera from a camera view without target;
8V08>M ■ .vrscene exporter: Animated FOV on standard cameras is not exported correctly;
u2FD@Xq? ■ .vrscene exporter: Disabled VRayVolumeGrids in Volumetric mode are still exported;
#s}cK ■ .vrscene exporter: Forest Pro object with VRayDisplacementMod is not exported to .vrscene file;
d3IMQ_k ■ .vrscene exporter: Negative displacement through textures is not exported properly;
AeZ__X ■ .vrscene exporter: OSL texmaps are flipped with V-Ray Cloud/V-Ray Standalone;
Eq\PSa=gz ■ .vrscene exporter: Random velocity data is exported for Forest Pro instances when camera is specified;
■ .vrscene exporter: Some VRayMDL asset paths are not exported;
\-h%z%{R ■ .vrscene exporter: Support for animated visibility range of VRayAerialPerspective;
-aV!ZODt ■ .vrscene exporter: The VRayVolumeGrid's "lightsmultself", "gridreduct" and "mbgrid" parameters are not exported to *.vrscene;
B(zcoWQ*B ■ .vrscene exporter: VFB Color Corrections are exported even when disabled;
Z=|NoDZ ■ .vrscene exporter: Wrong UVWs in scenes with OSL;
j}.,|7X ■ Installer: VRAY4_FOR_3DSMAXXXXX_PLUGINS environment variable should be modified instead of overridden;
"{@Q..hxC je[1>\3W
B~{ 无名汉化版在 3dsMax 中英文环境下的 "中文提示语" 的调用方法: Bokpvd-c7 https://h.shanse8.com/read-htm-tid-71996.html h't!1u
OBm#E} 切换器无法启动并提示系统环境问题的解决方法 O'L9 s>B https://h.shanse8.com/read-htm-tid-70380.html d J|/.J$d
t~0!K;nn 安装使用说明(必看): P
=jRof$ https://h.shanse8.com/read-htm-tid-71997.html =uil3:,[S
^OZ*L e V-Ray Next 4.X for 3dsMax 安装流程图文教程 %={[e`,
https://h.shanse8.com/read-htm-tid-71274.html U1y8Y/
Q?xCb 安装前善意提醒: >&Ios<67g V-Ray 原版的一个
nvrtc64_100_0.dll 文件会被杀毒软件拦截并清除,我们在测试时,电脑管家会拦截 V-Ray 原版的文件(其他杀毒软件没有测试),用户可酌情考虑安装前是否先关闭某些杀毒软件!
/YrBnccqD ?"Ec#,~ 2020.2.12 修复记录: G}V5PEF]` 修复 “VRay 卡通材质”无法完全打开材质编辑器,且重要的(基本参数)内容无法显示的问题!
cME|Lg(J$ k,h
f j:q>}V 下载软件: 4^3lG1^YY 本部分内容设定了隐藏,需要回复后才能看到