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V-ray Advanced 1.5 Sp4 for Max2010 32位破解预览版黑客红客联盟联转 [复制链接]

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离线 hackex
楼主  发表于: 2009-12-03 只看楼主 倒序阅读


V-ray Advanced 1.5 Sp4 for Max2010 32位破解预览版 3Ofc\   b2Hpuej  
gAbD7SE   -5[GX3h0  
C NrII sJ   4kM<L}J#  
详细更新情况: `BXS)xj   l rzW H0Q  
P 7D!6q   c>SeOnf  
,. EBOUW^   Fk(5y)  
VRay 1.50.SP4 Now Available &#{dWObh   (AYD @  
The V-Ray? 1.50 Service Pack 4 is compatible with Autodesk? 3ds Max? 8, Autodesk? 3ds Max? 9, Autodesk? 3ds Max? 2008, 3ds Max? 2009, Autodesk? 3ds Max Design 2009, Autodesk? 3ds Max? 2010, Autodesk? 3ds Max? Design 2010.  H`QQG!   YUE[eD/  
~ Ctu?o+^;z   +0 MKh  
New features(新功能): C(?blv-vM0   lu_Gr=#O  
(*) Added VRayAmbientLight; t+Bf#:   hbeC|_+   
~ p*3; hGp6   ShpnFuH  
Modified features(修改功能): >l5$9wO   kR|y0V {K*  
(*) Improved multithreading on multi-core machines; ] ZoPQUS?   M lFvDy  
(*) Ability to specify gizmo falloff for VRayEnvironmentFog; /F/;G*n   y`\Mhnj  
(*) Ability to use arbitrary meshes as gizmos for VRayEnvironmentFog; 3`.P'Fh(k   y~7lug  
(*) Option to exclude the background from VRayEnvironmentFog; Hf gz02Z$   16|S 0 )  
(*) Added CIE sky models to the VRaySun and VRaySky; 5]Ajf;W\   lG9ARRy(=  
(*) It is now possible to submit DR servers list for DR though backburner; 5 g5'@vMN   +pvJ?"J  
(*) Added for the VRayIES light to not use area speculars; SX0_v_%M   ItADO'M  
(*) Added Kelvin temperature settings for the color of VRayLights; k ]a*&me   NrcCUZ .:N  
(*) VFB history is now turned off when 3ds Max is in slave mode; e /K#>,   l,wN@Nk  
(*) Output .vrimg and split channel paths are listed in the Asset Tracker; qCQ./"8   31& .Lnq  
(*) GI cache files (irradiance maps, light cache etc) are listed in the Asset Tracker; SI:ifR&T   yipD5,TC  
~ | bv,2uWz   OL5HofgNm  
Bug fix(修复): ?)4?V\$   N?0y<S ?!  
(*) Crash with Remove button for lights in VRayEnvironmentFog; #\rwLpC1u   + f!,K  
(*) Crash with Hair&Fur in 3ds Max Design 2010 (Danculo); D@ek9ARAq   JWHt|zB g  
(*) Issue with Arch&Design materials in multi/sub-object material; ' I}: !Z   NxO^VUD  
(*) It should not be possible to export already created VRayProxy objects as .vrmesh files; |,C#:"z;   JZ/O0PW  
(*) Fixed invalid colors with texture-mapped lights when the texture contains Pt,ebL~   ><Z3<7K9  
~ }ut]\ ]b   D1~x  
Core Architecture(核心架构) L:nXWz   _G #"B{7  
* Multi-platform object-oriented API <=K qc Hb   c[_^bs>k  
* Fully multithreaded core bzpFbfb   6F.7Ws <  
* Unified sampling system based on Schlick sampling JAc_kl{4O   Du:p!nO  
* Distributed rendering -NGK@Yk22   e ]o'i;I  
* Efficient shading system specifically optimized for ray-tracing <!d"E@%v@   jS3(>  
* Modular architecture - many components of the system can be replaced with custom ones Wzq>JNn y   {lTxB'W@d  
~ }=](p-]5   z<%g #bo  
Geometry(几何学) ;!>Wz9   b>= Wq  
* Efficient geometry handling "Y: /= Gx   0T#xM(q[K  
* True instance rendering &7mW9]   Zxc7nLKF~  
* On-demand dynamic geometry creation Rg&- 0b   [AZ aT  
* On-demand geometry loading from disk files -;(Q1)&   zf3:<CRX5  
* Displacement mapping imB#Eo4eY    6Z&u  
* Catmull-Clark and Loop subdivision surfaces b p<^ R   F|?+>c1}  
* Extensible with custom geometric primitives through the V-Ray SDK < E|s\u   yw.~trF&%  
~ IV16d   zn V1kqGU  
Image sampling(图像采样): y8Xv~4qQW   K6v $#{$6  
* Three different image sampling methods 5FKBv e@   lH)em.#  
* Full-scene anti-aliasing rM}0%J'   BjyXQ9D  
* Progressive path tracing zR6siAV9   PW*;Sp  
* Support for additional render elements (diffuse, reflection, GI etc) BbOu/i|   tS (i711  
* Advanced color (tone) mapping controls t !`Jse>    ,v*p  
* Extensible with custom image samplers through the V-Ray SDK |f( ~@Q:   VFl 1 f  
~ n`Z"rwKmNw   my ;  
Illumination(照明系统): K<sC F[   ]yAEjn9cN  
* Physically accurate full global illumination solutions V~MiO.B   3>Q@r>c  
* Different GI algorithms: path tracing, irradiance cache, photon maps, light cache _,AzJ^   ]*2EK9<  
* Reusable GI solutions for accelerated rendering of walk-through animations and animations with dynamic objects 8OhDjWVJ   .!JMPf"QEI  
* Physically accurate area lights [U =Uo*   Ecxj9h,S  
* Efficient illumination from HDR environments e;YW6}'}   ^:4L6  
* Procedural sun & sky models  l]!9$   '7xxCj/*  
* Extensible with custom lights through the V-Ray SDK ^4Am %yyT   ;Z ]<S_#-  
~ A1Y7;-D   uAu( +zV2  
Shaders(明暗器): T$4P_*   eo1&.FQu  
* Physically plausible materials O09ke-lC   Z#-k.|}  
* Blurry reflections/refractions h&@R| N   Gn]d;5P=  
* Accurate highlights Y$8JM   +0]'| tF>  
* Sub-surface scattering WP **a Bp   [{`)j  
* Support for efficient material layering I8Vb-YeS   X[V?T>jsM  
* Extensible with custom shaders through the V-Ray SDK &fP XU*l4   79D=d'e A  
~ g+8hp@ a   ZA0i)(j*Mn  
Camera effects(镜头特效): pY8q=Kl   R N@^j  
* Depth-of-field with bokeh effects l7[7_iB&E   |GtY*|  
* Accurate motion blur \a^,sV    *p=fi  
* Physical camera model E .6HpIx   `dDa}b  
* Extensible with custom cameras through the V-Ray SDK H( ^bC5'   UP\C"\  
~ Ok-.}q>\Mv   4otl_l(`yv  
Extras(附加功能): {Z;t ^:s#   6O9iEc,HM  
* Toon effect h:\oly\   9`B0fv Q&  
* Fur generator/raytracer *v%rMU7,   :G-1YA  
* Extended matte/shadow capabilities #b0{#^S:   jyi FM5&  
* Support for Render-to-Texture mode of 3ds Max [ t]X/O3<   p%F8'2)}  
* VRaySphereFade to isolate only specific portions of the scene for compositing oSb, :^Wl   eIg+PuQD]  
~ ni&*E~a   +{.780|  
Frame buffer(帧缓冲): wt }9B[   (S|a 9#  
* VRay specific frame buffer with integrated color corrections and display of multiple rendering elements YMpf+kN   EUy(T1Cl&&  
* Direct rendering to disk for extremely large images, either as OpenEXR files or as .vrimg files ^ ?hA@{T/1   Lz@$3(2  
*all the features are subject to change without special notice. lVH<lp_ZtK   gfde#T)S  
~ mZk0@C&:6   x vmt.>f  
这个只是破解预览,不是最终的完美破解,在速度上经过优化设置之后差不多是以前正常版本的3~4倍,不过对于我们用32位max2010的朋友来说,终于可以玩玩sp4了,呵呵 ^_^.. l?E a#   _({@B`N}  
~ Z@D*1\TG=   fN)x#?  
感谢Leisurely的破解文件 /G{_7cb   @TzvT3\q  
~ DR9: _   o0ZBi|U\4  
安装方法: <g8K})P   j13DJ.xu  
1. 首先安装vray_adv_150SP4( 如果失败,请确保以管理员身份安装) {0\,0*^p   T#EFXHPr  
2. Installation type安装类型选择“worstation full” BF|(!8S$U   Nu^p  
3. Vray Licence Servervray注册服务选择“on this machine” DsDzkwJE   ,%[4j9#!_  
4. 不要安装 WIBU key drviers FeJr\|FT   19c@`?  
5. (请先备份原来的这两个文件,以防万一) o(A|)c4k   1%~[rnQ  
   打开破解文件夹复制vray2010.dll文件到max的根目录, #>;FUZuJr   ])w[   
   再把plugins文件夹里的vrender2010.dlr复制到max的plugins插件目录。 2R-A@UE2   qMP1k7uG)  
~ d?idTcgs   lnh+a7a)  
关于速度慢的一个优化方法: qf'm=efRyu   mwC=o5O  
\@a$ '    ,LhCFw{8?~  
1. 将"C:Program FilesCommon FilesChaosGroup" 下的vrlservice.xml XP[uF ;w   K j3?ve~  
    复制一个副本,并将其命名为vrlclient.xml。 D8K-K]W@   9GU]l7C=z  
2. 渲染时使用vray frame buffer方式; Vray setting里使用'dynamic(动态)" rk2xKm^w   0 1V^L}  
    作为defaut geometry param (默认几何体参数)(不要选择auto(自动) -OZ 5vH0   t2>fmQIQ  
    或 'static(静态)') ajhEL?%D   o!c] (  
本帖隐藏的内容需要回复才可以浏览 `\>.h   0bS|fMgc  
安装方法: I 1d0iU   O|kOI?f  
1. 首先安装vray_adv_150SP4( 如果失败,请确保以管理员身份安装)* |rRO@18dA   BlA[T%  
2. Installation type安装类型选择“worstation full” R   )%d*3\Tsd  
3. Vray Licence Servervray注册服务选择“on this machine”( =Yo1v=wxN   2c5-)Dt)T  
4. 不要安装 WIBU key drviers BI[JATZG   %McE` 155  
5. (请先备份原来的这两个文件,以防万一 $V>98M>j   N$>^g"6 o  
   打开破解文件夹复制vray2010.dll文件到max的根目录, Y>."3*^   c0&Rg#  
再把plugins文件夹里的vrender2010.dlr复制到max的plugins插件目录。 t5k!W7C   p Z: F:  
关于速度慢的一个优化方法:   XhzGLYb~I`   `-h8vj5uG  
将"C:\Program Files\Common Files\ChaosGroup" 下的vrlservice.xml ]-o"}"3Ef   !K f#@0E..  
    复制一个副本,并将其命名为vrlclient.xml Vv bFp   +Z M)bbB  
2. 渲染时使用vray frame buffer方式; Vray setting里使用'dynamic(动态)" vY|^/[x#B   aE;le{|!({  
作为defaut geometry param (默认几何体参数)(不要选择auto(自动)) Q\ ^[!|   (0YZZ93  
    或 'static(静态)') fBtm%f   E;JsBH  
~ B DY}*cX   g L_Y,A~Q{  
vray sp4 for max2010 32位主程序下载 bSwWszd~   <Ln1pV~k {@}?k s5   #]nx!*JNZ  
~ ^62|d    1%4sHSN  
破解下载:(再次感谢Leisurely的破解文件) s l]_M  
附件: vrsp4.part1.rar (1500 K)更新于: 2009-12-03 16:45:18下载次数: 2628[ 下载方法 ]
附件: vrsp4.part2.rar (776 K)更新于: 2009-12-03 16:45:18下载次数: 2261[ 下载方法 ]
离线 hackex
发表于: 2009-12-03 只看该作者
离线 烟半支
发表于: 2009-12-03 只看该作者
完全破解了么!!好用不? ,:POo^!/fT  
离线 wqs123
发表于: 2009-12-03 只看该作者
不知破解的怎样,不下载 但还是顶一下
离线 如影随行
发表于: 2009-12-03 只看该作者
离线 hbxqt
发表于: 2009-12-03 只看该作者
先不下载! 56Vb+0J'  
期待汉化版! Vo"RO$%ow*  
离线 artistzhang
发表于: 2009-12-03 只看该作者
离线 kingck
发表于: 2009-12-03 只看该作者
不知破解的怎样,不下载 但还是顶一下 ou- uZ"$,c  
离线 xtxtxt
发表于: 2009-12-03 只看该作者
V-ray 1.5 Sp3都没有完全破觧,V-ray 1.5 Sp4怎么就出来了. /x@RNdKv  
离线 lqsave
发表于: 2009-12-03 只看该作者
完全破解和汉化。。等待ING 顶下先
限150 字节
上一个 下一个


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