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一个可以在3DS MAX中测量距离的插件——DIMaster v2.0 [复制链接]

  • 95319阅读
  • 522回复
离线 lyzs
发表于: 2014-07-12 只看该作者
离线 我是13
发表于: 2014-07-27 只看该作者
离线 xiaoqiusonic
发表于: 2014-09-04 只看该作者
真的那么好用吗 Of$gs-  
(7P VfS>;  
发表于: 2014-10-02 只看该作者
离线 15985888329
发表于: 2015-02-23 只看该作者
离线 1633680
发表于: 2015-02-26 只看该作者
感谢分享 PIxd'B*MF  
离线 rivjmtd
发表于: 2015-03-25 只看该作者
离线 梁翔
发表于: 2015-05-10 只看该作者
离线 gnsdn
发表于: 2015-06-04 只看该作者
For a description of the DIMaster Preferences rollout see the topic DIMaster Utilities - Preferences Rollout `*nVLtT Y  
" O1\]"j  
The Acquire Settings From� button can be used to pick the DIMaster object to use as the source for the Transfer. G3]TbU!!T  
You can either click a DIMaster geometry object in the viewport or press the H button to Hit By Name. Only DIMaster objects will be shown in the dialog. l;^Id#N  
Once selected, the button will display the name of the picked object. M]&F1<  
The multi-list box will display all transferable properties from the source object. &P 'cf|KI  
The current value of each property will be shown in [] brackets next to the name of the property. If the property is animated, only its value on the current frame will be listed. ${\iHg[vZ  
sd|5oz )  
You can select one or more entries from the list using the typical multi-selection methods like Ctrl+LeftMouseButton, SHIFT+LMB etc. Y?Ph%i2E  
?B> { rj  
Pressing the Apply Highlighted Settings To Selection will assign the values of the selected properties to all selected DIMaster objects. =\mAvVe  
Other than in the Preferences rollout, the properties can be assigned to properties with matching names in DIMaster objects of different types, for example properties from a DIMline can be copied to DIMnotes and DIMangles. See next paragraph for more� Y'tPD#|r  
If the Apply to Objects Of The Same Type checkbox is checked, the highlighted properties will be assigned only to DIMaster objects matching the type of the selected source, for example DIMline values will be copied only to other DIMlines. *`.h8gTD,  
For a description of the DIMaster Preferences rollout see the topic DIMaster Utilities - Preferences Rollout  ~ Dvxe  
The Acquire Settings From� button can be used to pick the DIMaster object to use as the source for the Transfer. N]gJ( g  
You can either click a DIMaster geometry object in the viewport or press the H button to Hit By Name. Only DIMaster objects will be shown in the dialog. CJ+/j=i;~c  
Once selected, the button will display the name of the picked object. dw'&Av' |E  
b EB3 #uc  
The multi-list box will display all transferable properties from the source object. e5\/:HpI  
The current value of each property will be shown in [] brackets next to the name of the property. If the property is animated, only its value on the current frame will be listed. bYs K|n  
You can select one or more entries from the list using the typical multi-selection methods like Ctrl+LeftMouseButton, SHIFT+LMB etc. s2SxMFDP  
Pressing the Apply Highlighted Settings To Selection will assign the values of the selected properties to all selected DIMaster objects. rw:z|-r  
Other than in the Preferences rollout, the properties can be assigned to properties with matching names in DIMaster objects of different types, for example properties from a DIMline can be copied to DIMnotes and DIMangles. See next paragraph for more� *u J0ZO9  
c? Z M<Y"  
If the Apply to Objects Of The Same Type checkbox is checked, the highlighted properties will be assigned only to DIMaster objects matching the type of the selected source, for example DIMline values will be copied only to other DIMlines. ANIx0*Yl(  
For a description of the DIMaster Preferences rollout see the topic DIMaster Utilities - Preferences Rollout V\1pn7~V  
The Acquire Settings From� button can be used to pick the DIMaster object to use as the source for the Transfer. H$D),s gv  
You can either click a DIMaster geometry object in the viewport or press the H button to Hit By Name. Only DIMaster objects will be shown in the dialog. -BV8,1  
Once selected, the button will display the name of the picked object. X RQz~Py  
The multi-list box will display all transferable properties from the source object. /Z~} dWI  
The current value of each property will be shown in [] brackets next to the name of the property. If the property is animated, only its value on the current frame will be listed. If>bE!_BO  
You can select one or more entries from the list using the typical multi-selection methods like Ctrl+LeftMouseButton, SHIFT+LMB etc. Y5fz_ [("  
Pressing the Apply Highlighted Settings To Selection will assign the values of the selected properties to all selected DIMaster objects. A<s zY92&5  
Other than in the Preferences rollout, the properties can be assigned to properties with matching names in DIMaster objects of different types, for example properties from a DIMline can be copied to DIMnotes and DIMangles. See next paragraph for more� /:Q  
If the Apply to Objects Of The Same Type checkbox is checked, the highlighted properties will be assigned only to DIMaster objects matching the type of the selected source, for example DIMline values will be copied only to other DIMlines. L*#W?WMM v  
For a description of the DIMaster Preferences rollout see the topic DIMaster Utilities - Preferences Rollout cM_!_8o  
j 06 mky  
The Acquire Settings From� button can be used to pick the DIMaster object to use as the source for the Transfer. _C3O^/<n4V  
i5 0c N<o  
You can either click a DIMaster geometry object in the viewport or press the H button to Hit By Name. Only DIMaster objects will be shown in the dialog. G' '9eV$  
Once selected, the button will display the name of the picked object. at+Nd K  
The multi-list box will display all transferable properties from the source object. k`((6  
The current value of each property will be shown in [] brackets next to the name of the property. If the property is animated, only its value on the current frame will be listed. 5AK@e|G$w  
You can select one or more entries from the list using the typical multi-selection methods like Ctrl+LeftMouseButton, SHIFT+LMB etc. |ju+{+  
Pressing the Apply Highlighted Settings To Selection will assign the values of the selected properties to all selected DIMaster objects. ,MjlA{0  
fuU 3?SG  
Other than in the Preferences rollout, the properties can be assigned to properties with matching names in DIMaster objects of different types, for example properties from a DIMline can be copied to DIMnotes and DIMangles. See next paragraph for more� fcTg/EXn  
If the Apply to Objects Of The Same Type checkbox is checked, the highlighted properties will be assigned only to DIMaster objects matching the type of the selected source, for example DIMline values will be copied only to other DIMlines. t)5.m}  
For a description of the DIMaster Preferences rollout see the topic DIMaster Utilities - Preferences Rollout 7~~suQ{F4  
The Acquire Settings From� button can be used to pick the DIMaster object to use as the source for the Transfer. 9PUobV_^Wo  
8!{ }WLwb  
You can either click a DIMaster geometry object in the viewport or press the H button to Hit By Name. Only DIMaster objects will be shown in the dialog. h[;DRD!Z  
zE Ly1v\"  
Once selected, the button will display the name of the picked object. h$#PboLd  
The multi-list box will display all transferable properties from the source object. `oTV)J'~  
The current value of each property will be shown in [] brackets next to the name of the property. If the property is animated, only its value on the current frame will be listed. icQQLSU5  
You can select one or more entries from the list using the typical multi-selection methods like Ctrl+LeftMouseButton, SHIFT+LMB etc. >@h#'[z,d  
F|G v  
Pressing the Apply Highlighted Settings To Selection will assign the values of the selected properties to all selected DIMaster objects. o@hj.)u  
Other than in the Preferences rollout, the properties can be assigned to properties with matching names in DIMaster objects of different types, for example properties from a DIMline can be copied to DIMnotes and DIMangles. See next paragraph for more� Cd ]g+R}j  
(Y*9 [hm  
If the Apply to Objects Of The Same Type checkbox is checked, the highlighted properties will be assigned only to DIMaster objects matching the type of the selected source, for example DIMline values will be copied only to other DIMlines. )W6l/  
For a description of the DIMaster Preferences rollout see the topic DIMaster Utilities - Preferences Rollout 3<l}gB'S[  
F vTswM>  
The Acquire Settings From� button can be used to pick the DIMaster object to use as the source for the Transfer. ~Q#! oh'i  
You can either click a DIMaster geometry object in the viewport or press the H button to Hit By Name. Only DIMaster objects will be shown in the dialog. t%O)Ti  
R )4,f~@"  
Once selected, the button will display the name of the picked object. zC*dJXt@  
The multi-list box will display all transferable properties from the source object. W]Nc6B*gI  
+]( #!}oH  
The current value of each property will be shown in [] brackets next to the name of the property. If the property is animated, only its value on the current frame will be listed. BR-wL3x b  
You can select one or more entries from the list using the typical multi-selection methods like Ctrl+LeftMouseButton, SHIFT+LMB etc. WJ)4rQ$o  
Pressing the Apply Highlighted Settings To Selection will assign the values of the selected properties to all selected DIMaster objects. +sTPTCLE  
*>`6{0, 9  
Other than in the Preferences rollout, the properties can be assigned to properties with matching names in DIMaster objects of different types, for example properties from a DIMline can be copied to DIMnotes and DIMangles. See next paragraph for more� ,`OQAJ)>  
V rd16s  
If the Apply to Objects Of The Same Type checkbox is checked, the highlighted properties will be assigned only to DIMaster objects matching the type of the selected source, for example DIMline values will be copied only to other DIMlines. +Wgfxk'{  
For a description of the DIMaster Preferences rollout see the topic DIMaster Utilities - Preferences Rollout DajN1}]  
+S+=lu _  
The Acquire Settings From� button can be used to pick the DIMaster object to use as the source for the Transfer. >4-9 @i0FV  
You can either click a DIMaster geometry object in the viewport or press the H button to Hit By Name. Only DIMaster objects will be shown in the dialog. $TS97'$  
pq\N 2d  
Once selected, the button will display the name of the picked object. ;<;~;od*/  
The multi-list box will display all transferable properties from the source object. r b\t0tg  
The current value of each property will be shown in [] brackets next to the name of the property. If the property is animated, only its value on the current frame will be listed. v`jHd*&6)  
80 T2EN:$  
You can select one or more entries from the list using the typical multi-selection methods like Ctrl+LeftMouseButton, SHIFT+LMB etc. bBXLW}W  
nHH FHnFf  
Pressing the Apply Highlighted Settings To Selection will assign the values of the selected properties to all selected DIMaster objects. vceD/N8  
Other than in the Preferences rollout, the properties can be assigned to properties with matching names in DIMaster objects of different types, for example properties from a DIMline can be copied to DIMnotes and DIMangles. See next paragraph for more� 5o>*a>27,A  
If the Apply to Objects Of The Same Type checkbox is checked, the highlighted properties will be assigned only to DIMaster objects matching the type of the selected source, for example DIMline values will be copied only to other DIMlines. 6Z' K1  
For a description of the DIMaster Preferences rollout see the topic DIMaster Utilities - Preferences Rollout 12hD*,A5j  
7:Rt) EE2  
Rg\4#9S JF  
The Acquire Settings From� button can be used to pick the DIMaster object to use as the source for the Transfer. 98O]tL+k/u  
You can either click a DIMaster geometry object in the viewport or press the H button to Hit By Name. Only DIMaster objects will be shown in the dialog. `-{? !  
vu91" 4Fa  
Once selected, the button will display the name of the picked object. XEagN:  
The multi-list box will display all transferable properties from the source object. JC-> eY"O2  
The current value of each property will be shown in [] brackets next to the name of the property. If the property is animated, only its value on the current frame will be listed. }YBuS3{  
You can select one or more entries from the list using the typical multi-selection methods like Ctrl+LeftMouseButton, SHIFT+LMB etc. s]0 J'UN  
Pressing the Apply Highlighted Settings To Selection will assign the values of the selected properties to all selected DIMaster objects. nTD%i~t~o  
Other than in the Preferences rollout, the properties can be assigned to properties with matching names in DIMaster objects of different types, for example properties from a DIMline can be copied to DIMnotes and DIMangles. See next paragraph for more� m[Ihte->  
If the Apply to Objects Of The Same Type checkbox is checked, the highlighted properties will be assigned only to DIMaster objects matching the type of the selected source, for example DIMline values will be copied only to other DIMlines. lo'#dpt<  
For a description of the DIMaster Preferences rollout see the topic DIMaster Utilities - Preferences Rollout )V>zXy}Y  
p{W Amly  
The Acquire Settings From� button can be used to pick the DIMaster object to use as the source for the Transfer. =uNc\a(  
You can either click a DIMaster geometry object in the viewport or press the H button to Hit By Name. Only DIMaster objects will be shown in the dialog. Lb<IEy77\  
Once selected, the button will display the name of the picked object. ;r~1TUKb  
The multi-list box will display all transferable properties from the source object. 59SL mj  
The current value of each property will be shown in [] brackets next to the name of the property. If the property is animated, only its value on the current frame will be listed. KWD{_h{R  
You can select one or more entries from the list using the typical multi-selection methods like Ctrl+LeftMouseButton, SHIFT+LMB etc. 2dKt}o>   
Pressing the Apply Highlighted Settings To Selection will assign the values of the selected properties to all selected DIMaster objects. 7G;1n0m-T  
Other than in the Preferences rollout, the properties can be assigned to properties with matching names in DIMaster objects of different types, for example properties from a DIMline can be copied to DIMnotes and DIMangles. See next paragraph for more� I~YV&12  
If the Apply to Objects Of The Same Type checkbox is checked, the highlighted properties will be assigned only to DIMaster objects matching the type of the selected source, for example DIMline values will be copied only to other DIMlines. ;Gn>W+Ae M  
For a description of the DIMaster Preferences rollout see the topic DIMaster Utilities - Preferences Rollout 8jL^q;R_(  
The Acquire Settings From� button can be used to pick the DIMaster object to use as the source for the Transfer. dyf>T}Iy  
You can either click a DIMaster geometry object in the viewport or press the H button to Hit By Name. Only DIMaster objects will be shown in the dialog. |@1(^GX  
1'(";  0I  
Once selected, the button will display the name of the picked object. F;_o `h  
The multi-list box will display all transferable properties from the source object. >7cj. %  
The current value of each property will be shown in [] brackets next to the name of the property. If the property is animated, only its value on the current frame will be listed. XY9%aT*  
You can select one or more entries from the list using the typical multi-selection methods like Ctrl+LeftMouseButton, SHIFT+LMB etc. s 72yu}  
Pressing the Apply Highlighted Settings To Selection will assign the values of the selected properties to all selected DIMaster objects. VyYrL]OrA  
Other than in the Preferences rollout, the properties can be assigned to properties with matching names in DIMaster objects of different types, for example properties from a DIMline can be copied to DIMnotes and DIMangles. See next paragraph for more� NRP) 'E  
If the Apply to Objects Of The Same Type checkbox is checked, the highlighted properties will be assigned only to DIMaster objects matching the type of the selected source, for example DIMline values will be copied only to other DIMlines. TxN+-< f  
For a description of the DIMaster Preferences rollout see the topic DIMaster Utilities - Preferences Rollout @cxM#N8e  
The Acquire Settings From� button can be used to pick the DIMaster object to use as the source for the Transfer. PGxv4(%  
You can either click a DIMaster geometry object in the viewport or press the H button to Hit By Name. Only DIMaster objects will be shown in the dialog. -AVT+RE9z  
Once selected, the button will display the name of the picked object. Rc D5X{qS#  
The multi-list box will display all transferable properties from the source object. zp'hA  
The current value of each property will be shown in [] brackets next to the name of the property. If the property is animated, only its value on the current frame will be listed. 67}8EV!/k  
You can select one or more entries from the list using the typical multi-selection methods like Ctrl+LeftMouseButton, SHIFT+LMB etc. iny/K/5bf  
4 8 J{Y3F  
Pressing the Apply Highlighted Settings To Selection will assign the values of the selected properties to all selected DIMaster objects. VB8eGMo  
Other than in the Preferences rollout, the properties can be assigned to properties with matching names in DIMaster objects of different types, for example properties from a DIMline can be copied to DIMnotes and DIMangles. See next paragraph for more� ^:f)XZ  
If the Apply to Objects Of The Same Type checkbox is checked, the highlighted properties will be assigned only to DIMaster objects matching the type of the selected source, for example DIMline values will be copied only to other DIMlines. D0S^Msk9L  
For a description of the DIMaster Preferences rollout see the topic DIMaster Utilities - Preferences Rollout #jj (S\WY  
mN R}%s  
The Acquire Settings From� button can be used to pick the DIMaster object to use as the source for the Transfer. 0CX9tr2J  
You can either click a DIMaster geometry object in the viewport or press the H button to Hit By Name. Only DIMaster objects will be shown in the dialog. {ynI]Wj`L  
Once selected, the button will display the name of the picked object. b1=! "Y@  
The multi-list box will display all transferable properties from the source object. Xo.3OER  
The current value of each property will be shown in [] brackets next to the name of the property. If the property is animated, only its value on the current frame will be listed. we*E}U4  
You can select one or more entries from the list using the typical multi-selection methods like Ctrl+LeftMouseButton, SHIFT+LMB etc. DC$> 5FDv  
Pressing the Apply Highlighted Settings To Selection will assign the values of the selected properties to all selected DIMaster objects. ,|UwZ_.  
Other than in the Preferences rollout, the properties can be assigned to properties with matching names in DIMaster objects of different types, for example properties from a DIMline can be copied to DIMnotes and DIMangles. See next paragraph for more� [,z>msEB.  
If the Apply to Objects Of The Same Type checkbox is checked, the highlighted properties will be assigned only to DIMaster objects matching the type of the selected source, for example DIMline values will be copied only to other DIMlines. =`V9{$i  
For a description of the DIMaster Preferences rollout see the topic DIMaster Utilities - Preferences Rollout x:]_z.5  
OF! n}.O(  
_]+ \ B  
The Acquire Settings From� button can be used to pick the DIMaster object to use as the source for the Transfer. #CB`7 }jq  
3.?oG5 P#  
You can either click a DIMaster geometry object in the viewport or press the H button to Hit By Name. Only DIMaster objects will be shown in the dialog. +/#Lm#*nu%  
Once selected, the button will display the name of the picked object. p;2NO&  
D CSTp2  
The multi-list box will display all transferable properties from the source object. $\nAGmp@  
The current value of each property will be shown in [] brackets next to the name of the property. If the property is animated, only its value on the current frame will be listed. FK,YVY  
j sw0"d(  
You can select one or more entries from the list using the typical multi-selection methods like Ctrl+LeftMouseButton, SHIFT+LMB etc. ;5aAnvgW  
Pressing the Apply Highlighted Settings To Selection will assign the values of the selected properties to all selected DIMaster objects. 9M .cTIO{  
Other than in the Preferences rollout, the properties can be assigned to properties with matching names in DIMaster objects of different types, for example properties from a DIMline can be copied to DIMnotes and DIMangles. See next paragraph for more� <cR]-Yr~  
If the Apply to Objects Of The Same Type checkbox is checked, the highlighted properties will be assigned only to DIMaster objects matching the type of the selected source, for example DIMline values will be copied only to other DIMlines. /q6 ^.>b  
For a description of the DIMaster Preferences rollout see the topic DIMaster Utilities - Preferences Rollout ?_G?SQ  
The Acquire Settings From� button can be used to pick the DIMaster object to use as the source for the Transfer. 7D)i]68E  
You can either click a DIMaster geometry object in the viewport or press the H button to Hit By Name. Only DIMaster objects will be shown in the dialog. 2z=aP!9]  
vip& b}u  
Once selected, the button will display the name of the picked object. 3h>5 6{P  
The multi-list box will display all transferable properties from the source object. ; Uf]-uS  
The current value of each property will be shown in [] brackets next to the name of the property. If the property is animated, only its value on the current frame will be listed. jM|-(Es. )  
You can select one or more entries from the list using the typical multi-selection methods like Ctrl+LeftMouseButton, SHIFT+LMB etc. #MI4 `FZ  
Pressing the Apply Highlighted Settings To Selection will assign the values of the selected properties to all selected DIMaster objects. v6_fF5N/  
Other than in the Preferences rollout, the properties can be assigned to properties with matching names in DIMaster objects of different types, for example properties from a DIMline can be copied to DIMnotes and DIMangles. See next paragraph for more� 0!!z'm3  
If the Apply to Objects Of The Same Type checkbox is checked, the highlighted properties will be assigned only to DIMaster objects matching the type of the selected source, for example DIMline values will be copied only to other DIMlines. )]a{cczL"  
离线 leizeng
发表于: 2015-06-09 只看该作者
限150 字节
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