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恋人的制作过程(国外教程) [复制链接]

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离线 中国龙
楼主  发表于: 2011-07-25 只看楼主 倒序阅读


关键词: CG教程教程
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In my picture the meeting of two enamored is represented. I used a lot of red color and also light effects; it emphasizes romanticism of a picture, hope you like it. !F$o$iq  
STEP 1 - First I did a sketch in Photoshop using a Wacom tablet. I made a rough sketch; I decided to add different decorative details in the process of drawing. Each element of the picture I drew on a new layer, so you can change the color and transparency later, if necessary.
STEP 2 - I painted the background completely brown and started to paint the body of men and women. By dark color I have noted a site of eyes and lips. I shall draw bodies gradually at each stage. I also started to draw a red satin cloth, while I drew it in two colors: red is the main color of the fabric, and dark red for the shaded area of cloth. A] f^9F@  
STEP 3 - Now I started to paint the body of lovers. I use a soft round brush to paint the body. I decided that the light will be on the right side. Later, I depict a spot in the form of rays of light. This light will make the picture more romantic. >ZnnGX6$(  
STEP 4 - I started adding details in the bodies of people. Now they began to look more attractive. Started to paint the face masks of the man and the woman. At this stage I shall add decorative elements for a mask, and now I while shall draw a basics of a mask. Also I have added a table and subjects on the table. 34aSRFsk*  
离线 中国龙
发表于: 2011-07-25 只看该作者
STEP 5 - I added more details on the face. I stressed on the looks and the eyes because I considered it to be very important. I enriched the face in some pinkish shades, also added light, as well as textured the lips and added eye lashes. %yC,^  
Mask - On the mask, I drew a lot of small decorative items to make it more appealing (Ornament, red and white stones). I also decided to add red feathers to the mask of the girl using thin brush. In the setting of a brush, I found Shape Dynamics. e3\T)x &=  
STEP 6 - At this stage I have gradually finished bodies of people, now their skin is equal and smooth. There was no clear-cut color transition of the body; I used a Gaussian Blur (Filter-> Blur-> Gaussian Blur). But first, I select the layer with the body to blur occurred only inside the body and the edges were crisp. I often use a Gaussian Blur tool, when it is necessary to make a smooth color transitions. /9X7A;O  
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Curtains - Painted the curtains in east style on the new layer. Background curtains painted on the layer with the opacity of 30%-50%. I have drawn all curtains in one shade. :T~  [  
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STEP 7 - Illumination - very important stage in every image because in every picture there is an illumination. First, I painted light yellow color on the new layer. Then I applied the Gaussian Blur tool. Later, little reduced the opacity of a layer. Then I have moved this layer in a background of the man. +C)~bb*  
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STEP 8 - In next step I created a direct rays, now again apply the Gaussian Blur. Then I reduced the opacity of these two layers of 30-50%. This layer becomes beams of the sun, a layer is in the foreground. JGZBL{8  
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离线 中国龙
发表于: 2011-07-25 只看该作者
STEP 9 - I have made the curtains layer little more transparent. I’ve decided to add more decorative elements, so I drew the fruit and glass of the wine. I have drawn each subject on a new layer and added more elements on a mask of the man, and it began to look more realistic. Then I have drawn a structure of a coverlet of more smooth. a]@BS6  
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STEP 10 - The candle flame - I drew the candle flame on a new layer, using 3 colors - yellow, red, white and applied the Gaussian Blur. tgC)vZ&a  
STEP 11 - Hair - First I drew the basics of the hair in one dark color. Then I painted curls of the lighter hairs. I used several colors to draw hair; it gives the effect of volume. To draw the hair I used the soft round brush. In the setting of a brush, I found Shape Dynamics. Fine hair painted using 2px brush. Blonde hair, I painted on the edge of the right side, because the light falls on the right... Q-Oj%w4e  
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STEP 12 - Now I painted the flower ornament on curtains with 10-20% opacity. I’ve decided to add more decorative elements, so I painted the fine tablecloth on the table. QBb%$_Z  
Then I have added the details in the red feathers on the mask of a girl. To paint the feathers I used the soft round brush. Now the final picture is ready. Thank you! Visit My Portfolio: s&1}^'|  
离线 zhouwmwg
发表于: 2011-07-25 只看该作者
离线 真绝一门
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离线 shuterlin
发表于: 2011-07-25 只看该作者
霸气  很不得了哦  老外弄的哇 p_*M:P1Ma4  
离线 tianxing1201
发表于: 2011-07-25 只看该作者
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这水平也太一般了吧??? U$y wO4.  
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