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谁能帮翻译我在Vray官网看的注册方法。 [复制链接]

  • 11892阅读
  • 13回复
离线 jeepsheep
楼主  发表于: 2008-01-16 只看楼主 倒序阅读
— 本帖被 zxy 从 渲染器汉化 移动到本区(2011-06-12) —
A. Check that the license server name or IP address and port number are specified correctly. To do this, click on the Edit/set license server information button and in the dialog that appears make sure that the server name/IP are entered correctly and that the port number is correct. Note that you will need to restart 3ds Max if you modify any of these settings. !jh%}JJ  
I.The port must be 30304. Rlc$; Z9K  
II.If the license server is running locally on the same machine, the server name must be localhost or IP; otherwise, it must be the name or IP of the machine where the license server is running. You can obtain the computer name/IP address of a machine from your system administrator or using one of the methods below: {Jx7_T&  
a.To find out what is the name of the machine running the V-Ray license server, go to that machine, open the Control panel > System applet and choose the Computer Name tab. You will find the computer name listed there. 8j\d~Lw=  
b.To find out what is the IP address of the machine running the V-Ray license server, use the ipconfig command line utility, or go to the Control panel > Network connections > Local area network applet and choose the Support tab. You will find the current IP address of the machine there. Lb q_~   
FP;": iRL  
B.If the license server name and port are specified correctly, make sure that the license server is actually running on the specified machine. This can be done in one of the following ways: OJ[rj`wrW^  
I.Check to see if the license server icon is present in the TaskBar (it is the blue-orange V-Ray logo with the letter L). If this icon is present, then the V-Ray license service is running on the machine. )<LI%dQ:'l  
II.If the V-Ray license service icon does not appear in the Task Bar, the license server may still be running hidden as a service. To check if it is running, open the Task Manager (e.g. Start menu > Run... and type taskmgr and press Enter). In the Task manager window, select the Processes tab. Make sure that the Show processes from all users option is checked and and try to locate a process named vrlservice.exe – if this process is present, then the V-Ray license server is running on the machine. W8.j /K:  
III.If you cannot locate the vrlservice.exe process in the Task Manager, this means that the V-Ray license server is not running and you will need to start it manually. To start the license service, you can use the Start menu > Programs > Chaos Group > V-Ray for 3ds Max > Licensing > Launch V-Ray license service. If you get any errors from the license service, please see the other sections of the Troubleshooting guide. pDhY%w#  
C.If the license service is running, there may be a network problem that prevents V-Ray from communicating with it. 7%opzdS#  
I.You can check if you can connect to the license service with a regular web browser. On the machine where you want to run V-Ray, open a web browser and in the Address field type http://servername:30304 where servername is the name or IP address of the machine where the license service is running (localhost if it is running on the same machine). If you get a page like the one below, then the licensing service can be accessed successfully through the network. n>T:2PQ3  
If you get an error message in your web browser, then there is a network problem to connect to the license service. See below for more details. ;&7,7 3!  
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II.If there is a network problem while you try to connect to the license server, there may be two different reasons for it: NJ>,'s  
a.If you can access the Internet or other machines in your network successfully, then the most likely problem is that a firewall or an anti-virus program is be blocking the commincation between the two machines. Please contact your system administrator for help on setting up your firewall and/or antivirus programs. The communication ports used by V-Ray by default is 30304. @jKDj]\  
b.If you cannot connect to the Internet or other machines in the network, then there may be a physical problem in the communication between the machines (e.g. defective network cable etc) or a problem with your network settings. Please contact your system administrator for more help on this issue. $ {@q?iol  
D.If you can successfully connect to the license service, the problem may be that all the available licenses are engaged by other machines in your network. TIETj~+  
{Evcc+E q  
I.If you are using a hardware lock (dongle), the number of available licenses is listed in the license server status page. To see this page, open a web browser and in the address field type http://servername:30304 where servername is the name of the machine where the license service is running (localhost if this is the same machine where you are typing this). u8^Y,LN  
=g >.X9lr  
II.Click on the link Get status of the server. This will open a page with information about the available licenses. For example, in the image below, you can see that the available licenses are 1 interface license (the Render Scene dialog), 1 render license, 10 DR licenses and 10000 network licenses (for backburner rendering). Also, the interface license is engaged by the machine with IP address (which is the same machine where the license server is running). xl3zy~;M  
IO*l vy  
III.If there are no free interface licenses, then they have all been engaged by other machines on the network, which are also listed in the page. Close the Render Scene dialog on one of those machines to free an interface license that you can use. 8.[&wy U  
If you still have not solved your problem, please contact us by email at or by phone at the numbers listed on the Chaos Group web page :Jjw"}SfK#  
离线 北极光
发表于: 2008-01-16 只看该作者
LZ想要买正版? 上面说的都是废话!其实和中文版注册是一样的,运行VR许可服务器申请许可证,把许可证发给VR官方再汇钱过去他们就会给你注册码!
离线 quest
发表于: 2008-02-25 只看该作者
离线 zhangliguo5
发表于: 2008-09-13 只看该作者
答:检查许可证服务器名称或IP地址和端口号是正确指定。为此,请在编辑/设置许可证服务器的信息按钮,并在出现的对话框中确保该服务器名称/ IP是正确输入,该端口的数目是正确的。请注意,您将需要重新启动3 DS MAX的,如果你修改任何这些设置。 z )法学| = <"P '"SC  
  d + ' z ] “ | l[0P*(I,  
一,港口必须是30304 。 〜 ! E (下素E2 x5Pt\/ow  
*不适用] (十结核病j >mltE$|  
ii.if许可证服务器是本地运行在同一台机器上,服务器名称必须localhost或127.0.0.1的IP ,否则,它必须的名称或IP的机器所在的许可证服务器正在运行。您可以获取计算机名称/ IP地址的一台机器,从您的系统管理员或使用其中一种方法如下: jan53 , & < wLSYzz  
a.to找出的名称是什么机器运行的V射线的许可证服务器,请前往该机器,打开控制面板“ >系统Applet与选择计算机名称选项卡。你会发现计算机的名称上市。 slp_o \元@ AWNd(B2o  
b.to找出什么是IP地址,该机器运行的V射线的许可证服务器,使用ipconfig命令行实用程序,或进入控制面板“ >网络connecti >局域网Applet与选择支持选项卡。你会发现目前的IP地址,该机器有。 t1ricif 1楼 n?tAa|_  
1 *瓦特/ q一起< 〜 i za/#R_%p  
b.如果许可证服务器名称和端口所指明的正确,确保该许可证服务器,其实是运行在指定的机器。这是可以做到在下列方式之一: oub [升 }w8AnaC  
元- n_元jly Qq`\C0RZ  
一检查,看看是否授权伺服器图标是目前在任务栏(它是蓝橙V型线标志与信升) 。如果此图标是当前,那么V型射线授权服务正在运行在机器上。库务局p j8vy P9^h>sV  
' uly啊 xxn&{\ ?  
ii.if的V射线许可证服务图标不会出现在任务栏,许可证服务器可能仍在运行的隐患作为一项服务。以检查它是否运行,打开任务管理器(例如开始“菜单>运行...和键入taskmgr ,并按下ENTER ) 。在任务管理器窗口中,选择进程选项卡。作出肯定的是,显示进程从所有用户的选项被勾选,并设法找到一个过程,命名为vrlservice.exe -如果这个过程是目前的话, V型射线许可证服务器上运行的机器。 ] :我aqd _ ' \ ijYLf.R<  
  )市区小- 1 rXX|?9 '  
iii.if你无法找到vrlservice.exe过程中,任务管理,这意味着V型射线许可证服务器运行的不是和您将需要手动启动它。启动许可证服务,您可以使用开始菜单> “程序” >混乱组> V型射线为3 DS MAX的>的发牌>推出的V -射线许可证服务。如果您收到任何错误,从许可证服务,请参阅其他secti的故障排除指南。 wky4ic + v b1o(CG(}*  
升$ ) '6 / @ Dw3! ibg  
c.如果授权服务正在运行,有可能是一个网络的问题,防止V型射线从沟通。 〜 #妇女联盟@ o3kj7U:'x  
  y1 6 p吨 K gX)fj  
一,您可以检查如果您可以连接到许可证服务与定期Web浏览器。在机器上你要运行的V型线,打开网络浏览器,以及在地址栏键入http://servername:30304其中ServerName是名称或IP地址机器的情况下授权服务正在运行(本地,如果是运行在同一台机器上) 。如果你得到一个网页一样,一下面,然后发牌服务,可以访问成功地通过网络。 19每小时的DNA Yv-uC}e  
如果你得到一个错误信息,在您的网页浏览器,然后有一个网络的问题,连接到许可证服务。见下文了解更多详情。 9 !副总裁- B的o Nj\WvKG  
<纽约州k :电子商务 s_TM!LRUcw  
ii.if有一个网络的问题,而您尝试连接到许可证服务器,可能会有两种不同的合理为: u9d升-二○ ○ ` gjV&X N  
a.if您可以访问互联网或其他机器在您的网络服务成功,那么最有可能的问题是,防火墙或防病毒程序,是被挡住了commincation两国之间的机器。请联系您的系统管理员的帮助就设立您的防火墙和/或防病毒程序。该通信端口所使用的V型射线默认情况下是30304 。 h3kbnb一) IuF-bxA  
b.if您无法连接到互联网或其他机器在网络中,那么有可能是一个身体的问题,在沟通的机器(例如有缺陷的网络电缆等)或有问题,您的网络设置。请联系您的系统管理员如需更多帮助,在这个问题上。 。 ( z锡ZT yzr jp]JF h;3  
   tzk.h 8 H>]x<#uz)  
d.如果您可以成功连接到许可证服务,这个问题可能是所有可用的许可从事其他机器在您的网络。 v 3 )元vkq <k!G%R<9  
  + ) K的yg 9[*kpMC  
一,如果您所使用的硬件锁(解密器) ,数目可执照中列出的许可证服务器状态页。看到此页中,打开网络浏览器,以及在地址栏键入http://servername:30304其中ServerName是名称的机器那里许可服务正在运行(本地,如果这是在同一台机器上你身在何处,这打字) 。 GB的/米@ 6 / j K\q/JuDfc  
克edk 49m/UeNZ  
ii.click上的联系得到的地位,服务器。这将打开一个网页的信息可用的许可证。例如,在下面的图片,你可以看到,现有的许可证是一界面许可证(提供现场对话) , 1令许可, 10个博士执照和网络许可证10000 ( backburner渲染) 。此外,界面许可证是从事由机器的IP地址127.0.0.1 (这是在同一台机器上哪里许可证服务器正在运行) 。 〜 j2 =港币s hbK+\X  
xf3h \ ` ( 4倍 ;V GrZZ  
iii.if有没有免费的界面执照,然后他们都从事其他的机器在网络上,还列出了在该网页。关闭,使现场的对话之一,这些机器免费接口许可,您可以使用。 gj > h fid_c fomkwN  
b 1 i/L1KiCLx  
如果您仍然没有解决您的问题,请通过电子邮件与我们联系在vray@chaosgroup.com或利用电话,在号码上列出的混乱组网页 s米%米小康 (LjY<dQO  
离线 zhangliguo5
发表于: 2008-09-13 只看该作者
网上很多免费翻译的网站呢  复制下 然后翻译下就OK
离线 xfixm
发表于: 2011-05-20 只看该作者
离线 lpf246437
发表于: 2011-05-20 只看该作者
离线 lpf246437
发表于: 2011-05-20 只看该作者
一定要这么弄吗 0f'LXn  
于 2011-05-20 10:38:33 连续回帖自动追加: [ Q/kNK  
离线 brieden
发表于: 2011-05-21 只看该作者
离线 hclhjh
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