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分享一个MAX改贴图格式的插件源代码 [复制链接]

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楼主  发表于: 2016-05-31 只看楼主 倒序阅读


— 本帖被 admin 从 插件专区 移动到本区(2016-05-31) —
分享一个MAX贴图格式的插件源代码 jmzvp6N$8  
  1. rollout Spriter "ChangeExtName v0.1" width:218 height:300
  2. (
  3. GroupBox grp1 "From" pos:[9,3] width:200 height:50
  4. -- dropdownlist dd1 \
  5. --items:#(".tga",".png",".jpg") pos:[15,25] height:6
  6. DropdownList dd \
  7. items:#(".tga",".png",".jpg") pos:[15,75] height:6
  8. CheckBox fromTga ".tga" pos:[27,25] width:57 height:19 checked:false triState:0 tooltip: ".tga" enabled:false
  9. CheckBox fromPng ".png" pos:[84,25] width:57 height:19 checked:false triState:0 tooltip: ".png"
  10. CheckBox fromJpg ".jpg" pos:[141,25] width:57 height:19 checked:false triState:0 tooltip: ".jpg"
  11. GroupBox grp3 "To" pos:[9,53] width:200 height:50
  12. GroupBox grp12 "Change Channel (if have)" pos:[10,120] width:200 height:80
  13. checkbox isDiffuse "Diffuse" pos:[27,145] width:57 height:19 checked:true triState:1
  14. checkbox isOpacity "Opacity" pos:[131,145] width:62 height:19
  15. checkbox isColor "Color" pos:[27,170] width:57 height:19 enabled:false
  16. button apply "Apply" pos:[36,260] width:63 height:24
  17. button cancel "Cancel" pos:[119,260] width:63 height:24
  18. button help "?" pos:[198,280] width:16 height:16 toolTip:"help"
  19. on apply pressed do
  20. (
  21. if (queryBox "是否开始执行?") then
  22. (
  23. if selection.count == 0 then
  24. (
  25. messagebox "请先选择物体..."
  26. )
  27. else
  28. (
  29. if fromTga.checked == false and fromPng.checked == false and fromJpg.checked == false then
  30. (
  31. messagebox "请选择源格式..."
  32. )
  33. else
  34. (
  35. if isDiffuse.checked == false and isOpacity.checked == false and isColor.checked == false then
  36. (
  37. messagebox "请选择要转换的贴图类型..."
  38. )
  39. else    --选择了物体 选择了源格式 选择了贴图类型
  40. (
  41. obj=#()
  42. for i in selection do
  43. --for i=1 to scenematerials.count do
  44. (
  45. print
  46. if i.material == undefined then --如果当前物体没有材质
  47. (
  48. print "no material"
  49. continue
  50. )
  51. else
  52. (
  53. cmat = i.material --scenematerials
  54. )
  55. if cmat.diffuseMap == undefined then --如果当前材质没有漫反射贴图
  56. (
  57. print "no diff"
  58. --continue
  59. )
  60. else --if cmat.diffuseMap!=undefined and cmat.diffuseMap.filename!=undefined do
  61. (
  62. if cmat.diffuseMap.filename == undefined then --如果当前漫反射贴图没有有贴图文件
  63. (
  64. print "no diff_filename"
  65. --continue
  66. )
  67. else
  68. (
  69. if fromTga.checked == true do    fTga = findString cmat.diffuseMap.filename fromTga.tooltip--".tga"
  70. if fromPng.checked == true do    fPng = findString cmat.diffuseMap.filename fromPng.tooltip--".png"
  71. if fromJpg.checked == true do    fJpg = findString cmat.diffuseMap.filename fromJpg.tooltip--".jpg"
  72. )
  73. if fTga != undefined do    str1=replace cmat.diffuseMap.filename fTga 4 dd.selected--".png"
  74. if fPng != undefined do    str1=replace cmat.diffuseMap.filename fPng 4 dd.selected--".png"
  75. if fJpg != undefined do    str1=replace cmat.diffuseMap.filename fJpg 4 dd.selected--".png"
  76. if str1 != undefined do    cmat.diffuseMap.filename = str1
  77. )
  78. -- 透明贴图
  79. if cmat.OpacityMap == undefined then --如果当前材质没有漫反射贴图
  80. (
  81. print "no opac"
  82. --continue
  83. )
  84. else --if cmat.OpacityMap!=undefined and cmat.OpacityMap.filename!=undefined do
  85. (
  86. if cmat.OpacityMap.filename == undefined then --如果当前漫反射贴图有贴图文件
  87. (
  88. print "no opac_filename"
  89. --continue
  90. )
  91. else
  92. (
  93. if fromTga.checked == true do    fTga = findString cmat.OpacityMap.filename fromTga.tooltip--".tga"
  94. if fromPng.checked == true do    fPng = findString cmat.OpacityMap.filename fromPng.tooltip--".png"
  95. if fromJpg.checked == true do    fJpg = findString cmat.OpacityMap.filename fromJpg.tooltip--".jpg"
  96. )
  97. --    Ojpg2 = findString cmat.OpacityMap.filename ".jpg"
  98. --    Otga2 = findString cmat.OpacityMap.filename ".tga"
  99. if fTga != undefined do    str2=replace cmat.OpacityMap.filename fTga 4 dd.selected--".png"
  100. if fPng != undefined do    str2=replace cmat.OpacityMap.filename fPng 4 dd.selected--".png"
  101. if fJpg != undefined do    str2=replace cmat.OpacityMap.filename fJpg 4 dd.selected--".png"
  102. if str2 != undefined do    cmat.OpacityMap.filename = str2
  103. )    
  104. )
  105. )
  106. )
  107. )
  108. )
  109. )
  110. on cancel pressed do
  111. (
  112. DestroyDialog Spriter
  113. )
  114. on help pressed do
  115. (
  116. messagebox "修改贴图路径的扩展名_v0.1\n\n\n\t\t\tby M_BACK" title: "ChangeExtName v0.1"--"重要的不是选择 而是坚持!!!" title:"just a kidding!!"
  117. )
  118. on dd selected itm do
  119. (
  120. fromTga.enabled=true
  121. fromPng.enabled=true
  122. fromJpg.enabled=true
  123. case itm of
  124. (
  125. 1 :
  126. (
  127. fromTga.checked=false
  128. fromTga.enabled=false
  129. )
  130. 2 :
  131. (
  132. fromPng.checked=false
  133. fromPng.enabled=false
  134. )
  135. 3 :
  136. (
  137. fromJpg.checked=false
  138. fromJpg.enabled=false
  139. )
  140. )
  141. )
  142. )
  143. CreateDialog Spriter
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