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【原创】复原细节和锐化模糊照片 Focus Magic v3.02 插件和独立程序完全汉化特别版 [复制链接]

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离线 玩死盖茨
楼主  发表于: 2009-10-18 只看楼主 倒序阅读


Focus Magic v3.02 - 复原细节和锐化模糊照片  CB%O8d #  
K6; sxF  
Focus Magic 采用先进的法庭反褶技术真正“撤销”模糊和恢复丢失的细节。也是许多法学家使用的唯一的照片锐化软件,它可以修复图像的失焦模糊和运动模糊(相机抖动),修补及强化模糊不清的图像。不像其他的锐化软件,Focus Magic 增加的是“ 实际清晰度 ”,而不是“ 感性清晰度 ”(类似USM锐化)。Focus Magic 可以把那些根本没对准焦距的相片重新对准焦距。程序可以作为其他图形处理软件的插件使用,支持多种图形处理软件。独立版本还具备散焦、增加分辨率和降噪等功能。 Z3Y(g  
兼容软件及版本完整列表: A@k`$xevVj  
Photoshop 3.04, 4, 5, 5.5, 6, 7, 8 (CS), 9 (CS2), 10 (CS3), 11 (CS4) 9)]asY  
Photoshop 5 LE 0!!z'm3  
Photoshop Elements 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0 1me16 5y<B  
ImageReady 3.0, 7.0, 8.0 (CS), 9 (CS2) d%='W|i\p&  
Paint Shop Pro 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.01 g4 G?hv`R  
Corel Paint Shop Pro X (10) aR}L- -m  
Corel Paint Shop Pro Photo X1 (11), X2 (12) mU3 @|a/@0  
ACD FotoCanvas 3 S;]][h =  
ACD Canvas X ?$&iVN^UA  
Microsoft Photodraw 1.0, 2000 .W)%*~ O!;  
Microsoft Picture It (Digital Image Pro) 7, 10 r#CQCq  
Ulead PhotoImpact 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ;j]-;wg-;  
Corel PhotoPaint 10, 11, 12, 13 (part of CorelDRAW Graphics Suite) ui\yY3?  
Corel Painter 8, 9 (IX) aV9QIH~  
网址: AQH\ ;L  
使用方法: :QV-!  
1、方法一  )_\ZUem  
  1)、将 FocusMag.dll 文件拷贝至 X:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS?\目录下(X 是你的安装目录盘)
  2)、将汉化文件夹下的 Focus Magic 文件夹拷贝至 X:\Program Files\目录下,再将其文件夹下的 FocusMagic.8bf 文件拷贝至 X:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS?\Plug-ins\Filters\目录 B?c n5  
2、方法二 (")IU{>c6  
  1)、安装英文原版 ,1}c% C*,Q  
  2)、拷贝汉化文件夹下的 Focus Magic 文件夹里的 FocusMagic.exe 和 FocusMagic.8bf  文件覆盖安装目录下的同名文件和 Photoshop 滤镜目录下的同名.8bf 文件。 aWe?n;  
xM dbS4&!  
3、运行注册机点击 generate 记录后面的 9 位数字。 am$-1+iX  
4、运行 Photoshop 打开任意图像,在滤镜目录找到 Focus Magic 执行任一插件,点击“注册”按钮注册。或执行独立程序点击帮助菜单下的“注册”。 Q/y^ff]=  
                                                                                                                                            中国汉化:玩死盖茨 Zr&~gXmVS  
&_L FV@/  
1qR[& =/  
插件: 'pJ46"D@m  
Yt 9{:+[RK  
l5> H\  
独立版本 52*9q!  
0 i76(2  
P1<Y7 +n  
下载 j@JhxCe1+R  
附件: HH-FocusMagic v3.02.part1.rar (1661 K)更新于: 2009-10-18 23:22:19下载次数: 1180 [ 下载方法 ] E%R^ kqqr  
附件: HH-FocusMagic v3.02.part2.rar (1655 K)更新于: 2009-10-18 23:22:19下载次数: 861 [ 下载方法 ]
[ 此帖被玩死盖茨在2009-10-18 23:32重新编辑 ]
admin 金币 +15 支持原创汉化 2009-10-19
离线 玩死盖茨
发表于: 2009-10-18 只看该作者
入门教程(英汉对照) D 4^2F(YRX  
Getting Started Tutorial gS ~QlW V  
入门教程 \'6hv>W@  
mu0ER 3o  
To help you get the full benefit of Focus Magic, we recommend that you read this tutorial (you may want to print it out for reference). The tutorial is broken down into five steps, lets begin with Step 1. o7E?A  
        为了帮助您充分掌握 Focus Magic,建议阅读本教程(您可能需要打印出来,以供参考)。本教程共分为五个步骤,让我们开始第1步。 85YE6^y  
m[,! orq  
Step 1 -  Download and Install Focus Magic C]K|;VQ  
步骤1 -下载和安装 Focus Magic   jHq.W95+P  
If you have not already done so, then download and install Focus Magic. It can either be used as a :- s0 hD;`cm  
        假如您还没有这样做,那么下载并安装 Focus Magic。它有两种运行方式:   E'zLgU)r`  
1. Photoshop plug-in ( Preferred ) The Focus Magic plug-in runs as a component in a photo editing program (such as Photoshop) for both Windows and the Mac. There are more options available when it is used as part of a photo editing program. #@Yw]@5M  
1. Photoshop 插件(推荐)Focus Magic 插件作为 Windows Mac 系统下的照片编辑软件(如Photoshop)组件使用,有更多的选项。   1>bG]l1//  
2. Stand-alone program If you don't have a photo editing program, and you are using Windows, then it runs as a self standing program. E4~k)4R  
2. 独立的程序 - 如果您没有照片编辑软件,并且使用的是Windows,那么可运行自带的独立版本。 o_hk!s^4m  
Focus Magic can be used as a Photoshop plug-in in the following well known programs :- ousvsP%'  
Focus Magic 插件兼容下列著名的软件:   A]^RV{P  
Photoshop Photoshop Elements Photoshop Photoshop Elements H.#<&5f  
Paint Shop Pro ak]:ir`o  
Ulead PhotoImpact (见注释) cC@B\Q  
Corel PhotoPaintCorelDRAW X3 图像软件包) $2N)m:X0  
Q@zD'G >  
See full list of programs and version numbers CtiTXDc_  
详见兼容软件及版本完整列表   c!n\?lB  
wJ 0KI[p(S  
After installing Focus Magic, it automatically appears as a plug-in in the appropriate programs menu bar. +zM WIG  
        安装完 Focus Magic,它会作为一个插件自动出现在适当的程序菜单位置。 V80BO#Pk  
Step 2 -  Determine the Type of Blur B.)!zv\{  
步骤2 - 确定模糊类型 6@ B_3y  
Nearly all blurred images have either :- -.XICKz  
几乎所有的模糊图像都表现为两种类型:   .;),e#  
A)  Out-of-Focus Blur, or {,V.IDs8[  
A)  失焦模糊,或 !h\>[O  
B)  Motion Blur (commonly Camera Shake) oll J#i9  
B)  运动模糊(通常相机抖动) ^g^R[8  
These two types of blur each have a different effect on the image.  The most obvious difference is that for motion blur, the blur is only in one direction.  So the first thing to look for is small shiny objects which become either a circle of light (indicating out-of-focus blur) or a streak (indicating motion blur).  You may wish to zoom into the image to see the pixels more clearly.  Here is an example of each :- g" c|%3  
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In this photo you can see how the glint in the woman's eyes and earrings have become circles of light, and that the blur is the same in all directions.In this photo you can see how the glint in the woman's eyes and earrings have become circles of light, and that the blur is the same in all directions. I[P43>F3  
    照片上可以看到,妇女的眼神光和耳环变成了光晕,模糊在所有方向上相同。 2kG(\+\  
'r/+z a:2  
·         更多示例 `1O<UJX  
·         教程示例 1 |+-D@22 y  
p'@| O q&  
·         教程示例 2 `]u!4pP"  
·         教程示例 3   F\K&$5J{p  
sYMgi D  
In this old photo of a bicycle in front of a car, you can see many point sources (as indicated by arrows) which have become blurred at about 45 degrees.In this old photo of a bicycle in front of a car, you can see many point sources (as indicated by arrows) which have become blurred at about 45 degrees.
·         教程示例 1 :gwM$2vv  
·         教程示例 2 Hv3<gyD  
·         教程示例 3 N4L#$\M  
Step 3 (Optional) -  Select the Part of the Image Which You Want to Focus SNUq  
步骤3(可选)- 选择希望聚焦的图像的一部分   g> <*qd?t  
In most cases, you would sharpen the entire image by the same amount.If however you want to only sharpen part of the image, and you are using the plug-in, then you can make a selection of the area which you want Focus Magic to sharpen (example ). phc9esz  
        在多数情况下,可以用相同数量锐化整幅图像。当然,如果想只锐化图像的一部分,并且使用插件,那么您可以制作选区,由 Focus Magic 来完成锐化(示例)。 \@eaSa  
Now, depending on the type of blur, you go either to step 4A or step 4B. "<Q,|Md  
        根据模糊的类型,步骤4A或步骤4b任选其一。 Ia%S=xU{=  
p_:bt7 B  
Step 4A -  Determine the Parameters for Out-of-Focus Blur vxt<}h5J/!  
步骤4a - 确定失焦模糊参数 C?h}n4\B^?  
For out of focus blur, you select the "Fix Out-of-Focus Blur" filter from your photo editing programs menu and then select the appropriate "Image Source" (or if you are using the stand-alone program just select "Focus").   vd FP ^06  
        对于焦点模糊,从照片编辑软件菜单选择“校正失焦模糊”滤镜,然后选择相应的“图像来源”(如果使用的是独立版本,只需选择“聚焦”)。 F4|U\,g  
t \;,$i  
The "Blur Width" is the most important parameter to get right.  You can get the "Blur Width" using one of the following methods:-   B4kJ 7Pdny  
       得到正确的“模糊边缘宽度”参数是最重要的。获取“模糊边缘宽度”可用下列任一方法:   1b LY1  
1. Auto-detect When you select the "Fix Out-of-focus Blur" filter in your image editing program (or "Focus" in the Windows stand-alone program), Focus Magic will auto-detect the Blur Width. When detecting the Blur Width, a greater weighting is placed on the center half of the image than on the outer half.  This is because an image can have a varying Blur Width (depth of field) and the subject which is to be in focus is usually in the center.  The auto-detected value is usually correct to ± 1 pixel.  If the image is grainy or has a varying Blur Width, then Focus Magic may not auto detect correctly.  Even though the Blur Width is auto-detected, you need to satisfy yourself that the Blur Width is correct.  For the plug-in, you can also click on an area of interest, and click "Detect" to auto-detect the Blur Width for that part of the image. Ef"M e(  
1. 自动检测 - 从照片编辑软件菜单选择“校正失焦模糊”滤镜(或独立版本的“聚焦”),Focus Magic 将自动检测模糊边缘宽度。检测模糊宽度时,侧重点放在图像一半的一半的中心点上。这是因为图像可能有不同的模糊边缘宽度(景深)和在该中心通常有需要聚焦的被摄物体。自动检测值通常误差±1像素。如果图像是有颗粒的或有不同的模糊宽度,那么 Focus Magic 可能无法自动检测到正确值。即使模糊边缘宽度自动检测,也需要您自己确认模糊边缘宽度的正确性。对于插件,还可以点击一个感兴趣的区域,再点击“侦测”按钮检测该图像部分的模糊边缘宽度。 }\oy%]_mY  
2. Point Sources You can look for point sources of light which have become circles of light, and measure the diameter of the circle which then becomes the Blur Width.  For examples on how to do this see Point Sources . >sl#2,br  
2. 点源 - 寻找已变成光晕的光点,并测量光晕直径再换算成模糊边缘宽度,有关如何做到这一点的例子见点源   cwC-)#R']  
3. Trial and Error You can simply select an area of the image, and starting from zero, slowly increase the Blur Width.  This is a little bit like turning the focusing ring on a camera until the image is sharp.  The difference is however that, when you go past the optimum Blur Width, the image starts distorting rather than blurring again. 0$1-5XY9  
3. 试验和错误 - 您可以简单地选择一个图像区域,从零开始缓慢地增加模糊边缘宽度,这就好比缓慢地调整相机对焦环直至图像清晰。所不同的是,当您错过了最佳的模糊边缘宽度,图像又会出现比模糊更严重的变形。 W"&Y7("y  
Step 4B -  Determine the Parameters for Motion Blur Ce-D^9kC  
步骤4b - 确定运动模糊参数 ffgb 3  
For motion blur, you select the "Fix Motion Blur" filter from your photo editing programs menu and then select the appropriate "Image Source" (or if you are using the stand-alone program just select "Fix Motion Blur"). Jo Ih2PD  
        对于运动模糊,从照片编辑软件菜单选择“校正运动模糊”滤镜,然后选择相应的“图像来源”(如果使用的是独立版本,只需选择“校正运动模糊”)。 'A)r)z {X  
There are two important parameters which are the direction of the motion blur, and the distance that the pixels have blurred. Unlike out-of-focus blur, there is not any auto-detect when the image is opened. hJkF-yW  
        有两个重要的参数:运动模糊方向和模糊间距。不像失焦模糊,打开图像时它没有任何自动检测动作。 ]aqg{XdGt  
Blur Direction First you need to determine the direction by lining up the line displayed next to the Blur Direction control with the direction of the motion blur in the image. You can test several parts of the image until you are happy that you have got the motion Blur Direction correct. =lG/A[66  
模糊方向 - 首先,您需要调整模糊方向控制,设置运动模糊方向并查看其旁边的指示器以确定图像的模糊方向,可以测试图像的几个地方,直到获得正确的模糊方向。 Aat-938FP6  
Blur Distance You can either measure the blur distance by counting the number of pixels that one pixel has spread out to, or else you can just increase the blur distance until you get the optimum setting. ,p7W4;?4  
模糊间距 - 您也可以通过计算已模糊的像素数目测量模糊间距,或者增加模糊间距直到得到最佳的设置。 ocDAg<wo  
Step 5 -  Adjust Parameters for Noise (Optional) @b5zHXF83E  
步骤5 - 调整噪声参数(可选) l %M0^d6M  
?@LqrKj 11  
For most images, you do not need to adjust any other parameters.  If however, you have an image with more noise (or grain) than normal (and you are using the Photoshop plug-in), then you will need to make some more adjustments. nBo?r}t4  
        对于大多数图像,您不需要调整任何其他参数。但如果图像有更多的噪点(或有颗粒的)(或正在使用Photoshop插件),那么将需要做进一步的调整。 Eu)(@,]we  
Focus Magic runs a noise removal procedure before sharpening the image.  For instructions on how to adjust the noise removal, please click on the help button next to the Remove Noise control. I?Fv!5p  
        在图像锐化前 Focus Magic 给图像降噪。有关如何调节移除噪点的使用说明,请点击移除噪点控制下拉箭头旁边的帮助按钮。 MeMSF8zSQ  
The Image Source setting is used to determine how aggressively or conservatively Focus Magic sharpens a photo.If you have a grainy image, please also see the instructions for Image Source. M>LgEc-v67  
        图像来源设置是为了让 Focus Magic 用恰当的方式锐化照片。如果您有一个有颗粒的照片,也请参阅图像来源   9f U,_`r  
eemw I  
The amount settings is normally set to 100. If you want to adjust it, please read the help for that control. qOM"?av  
        数量一般设置为100。如果要调整,请阅读该控件的帮助文件。 &upM,Jsr*  
6! .nj3$*  
When you are happy with the parameters you have selected and have tested the parameters on several parts of the image, you can press the "OK" button (or the green traffic light for the stand-alone program) to sharpen the whole image. P|' eM%  
[ 此帖被玩死盖茨在2009-10-19 01:20重新编辑 ]
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