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Cebas finalRender 3.5SE for 3dsmax2009-2011 32/64bit [复制链接]

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楼主  发表于: 2010-12-22 只看楼主 倒序阅读


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    About finalRender 3.5 ~@"H\):/  
    finalRender 3.5 for 3ds Max 2009-2011 and 3ds Max Design 2009-2011 is offered in 2 versions: j!IkU}*c  
    finalRender 3.5 is targeted to the mainstream user base, while finalRender 3.5 SE (Studio Edition) is the perfect choice for bigger production houses and advanced users, seeking the maximum in quality and flexibility.   43!E>mq  
    Both products use the same rock solid Hollywood production-proven rendering core and produce the same rendering results (when not using any of the advanced features of 3.5 SE). The SE Comparison feature page shows the differences. A complementary copy of finalToon 3.5 is included with a purchase of either finalRender 3.5 or finalRender 3.5 SE. /LG}nY  
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    Interior Design Visualization using finalRender 3.5 <lRjh7  
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    finalRender 3.5 brings new enhancements and features that offer more stability and productivity. The introduction of a completely new GI-Engine along with an innovative concept for handling primary and secondary GI-Engines fulfills the highest demands of finalRender users. Global illumination renderings are faster and cleaner, and show more detail than ever with unexpected ease-of-use.   vJ>o9:(6  
    3rd party compatibility has been improved considerably and, thanks to new co-operation initiatives, products like FumeFX 2.1 show dramatic speed improvements when using global illumination with finalRender. The software also comes with much better support for Hair Farm, an advanced 3ds Max hair plugin. n/% M9osF  
    GI System Overhaul AH^ud*3F  
    Global Illumination R=S)O.*R  
    finalRender's global illumination system has received an overhaul in many areas and this release brings a well balanced set of speed optimization and workflow enhancements. GI-Engine settings are no longer lost or reset to their defaults when changing between different engines, even if by accident. USKC,&6&}  
    Another, more obvious change to the global illumination system is the option to freely choose between any primary and secondary GI-Engine. Global illumination sampling quality has also been enhanced and the former dependency on camera zoom-levels is no longer an issue. UryHte  
    Rendering speed improvements up to 10x have been achieved for global illumination effects and FumeFX. Speed improvements up to 5x can be expected for sub-surface scattering effects when using the AQMC GI engine. {z@a{L:SC  
    Unified GI-Solution cea e~  
    In an effort to make the global illumination animation workflow effortless for the user, we reduced the amount of files involved in such an animation as well as the steps needed to handle the files. One unified solution-file dialog handles all GI-Solution files. -~ Dn^B1^  
    From now on, naming, merging, and compiling GI-Solution files is fully automatic and transparent. One need only supply a single folder and file name. The rest is done by the unified GI-Solution file system of finalRender. 5.lg*vh  
    New GI Engine SU(J  
    HarmonicsGI jV#1d8qm  
    It is uncommon in rendering to introduce a brand new global illumination technology in such a short time in a seasoned environment like finalRender. HarmonicsGI is a bold step towards offering better and faster global illumination solutions to the cebas community. fdgjTX  
    The new 3.5 system is meant as a future replacement of the “older” Image-GI global illumination engine and is the perfect secondary GI-Engine for AQMC. c&"1Z/tR  
    The ImageGI global illumination engine was introduced as a cebas first in 2002. Now new algorithms and progress in multi-core software technology have finally made room for many new sophisticated approaches to enhancing and accelerating global illumination rendering for all cebas users. _$KkSMA~_  
    Enhancements 8x9;3{R   
    fR-Scatter UFeQ%oRa8  
    finalRender's scatter object has been upgraded to support the all new  fR-Proxy object. Now, fR-Proxy objects can be scattered on surfaces like any other object type in 3ds Max. H:o=gP60]  
    Render Globals *\^(-p~M  
    For improved speed and  workflow, finalRender 3.5 adds a new flag to the global render options: Unload Maps. This new option enables texture maps the be unloaded from RAM after rendering is finished. F`o"t]AD-a  
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    fR-Advanced hjp,v)#  
    Several optimizations have been introduced to our  "classic" all purpose finalRender material. Many more parameters can now be easily controlled through texture-maps. b>nwX9Y/U  
    fR-MultiSubMap HyIyrUrYW  
    finalRender Proxy files (fR-Proxy) offer an increased value over other solutions available for 3ds Max, every fR-Proxy object comes automatically wrapped wit hthe proper material setup. To add support for this new feature, a new option has been introduced to the fR-MultiSubMap material. [2z >8 SL  
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    Micro Triangle Displacement (MTD) Lo}zT-F  
    The effectiveness of the Micro Triangle Displacement (MTD) code of finalRender has been greatly augmented. In its current release, enhanced performance and multi-core processor support have been optimized to guarantee maximum speed while maintaining a low memory footprint at render time. D~ 7W  
    A smooth surface is still maintained even with a highly detailed surface structure. MTD scenes now use less memory, create more detail, and render faster than before. Scenes that were hard to render or really complex to set up in previous releases are now just a click away from picture perfect.  `dIwBfg_  
    All these enhancements have been achieved without breaking workflow or introducing new UI components. G1wJ]ar  
    fR Dome Light <6C:\{eo  
    finalRender SE was the rendering system of choice for Uncharted Territory when it produced 3D effects for the blockbuster movie “2012.” DomeLight did not only prove to be the key lighting tool and method used to create believable and fast global illumination scenery, it also showed great stability in ultra-complex scenes with thousands of animated objects possessing millions of polygons. p-,Bq!aG$  
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    In finalRender 3.5, DomeLight is now faster, smoother and better than before, accelerating both the animation and QMC rendering modes. This has been achieved without breaking or introducing new user interface controls or changing workflow. zEw~t&:e  
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    In detail, the behavior of the Adaptive Mode, when in QMC mode, has been substantially enhanced. In finalRender 3.5 area lights are automatically created at the brightest spots on the hemisphere texture map (HDRI). 8*&YQId~  
    Physical Camera -f"{%<Q  
    Within the fR Physical Camera Rollout preview window, the vignetting effect is now displayed in real time as well. l$m}aQ%h  
    fR-Fast Skin {5c]\{O?[  
    fR-FastSkin has a new feature: the Surface Shader Amount parameter can now be easily mapped with any texture map. 8qoA5fW>  
    New Object Type: Render Proxies P|TM4i]  
    fR-Proxy K+Pa b ?  
    Render Proxies have been an on-going topic. For some users, they have been a core feature of their future pipeline. finalRender has always been the most efficient renderer on the market when it comes to instancing complex meshes in the hundreds of thousands. q XB E3  
    Billions of polygons have never been an issue for finalRender. However cebas listened to its users and now offers a "render-pipeline" tool that many users want and keep integrating into their studio setups. *pyC<4W  
    finalRender Proxies are gathered as highly optimized files that can be used to replace geometry at render time without the need for the renderer core to redo work in preparing the meshes for rendering. 7t+H94KG7  
    New materials }Ggn2 X  
    fR-2 Sided $9Gra#  
    A new wrapper material to allow for fast end efficient translucency effects or two-sided material appearances with single-sided, modeled faces has been added. upFe{M@  
    fR-MultiMtl X n Rm9%  
    This new material is equivalent to the fRMultiSub map implemented in 3.5 now it is a standard material. *p|->p6,u  
    New Stereo Camera r>G||/Z  
            For the first time, the new stereo camera offers a sophisticated way to reproduce true 3D stereo camera effects from within 3ds Max in a single rendering pass. 4v2JrC;  
            The heavily loaded 3D effects production, “Alice in Wonderland”, required a true 3D stereo camera render effect that would allow proper compositing of existing footage, created with thinkingParticles R4, and special effects rendering by finalRender 3.5 SE in full stereo. Bo ??1y  
        Sam Korshid, former effects Supervisor at CafeFX, approached cebas with an urgent need for a proper rendering solution for 3ds Max that would work out of the box, have no issues with live action footage, and would match rendering setups created in Autodesk Maya.
            Within the tight production timeline of “Alice in Wonderland”, cebas developed and integrated a new, true 3D stereo camera model into finalRender 3.5, which proved to be an ideal rendering solution for this large-scale production. 'lmjZ{k  
[ 此帖被zxlun在2010-12-22 09:31重新编辑 ]
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