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V-Ray 2.40.03 for 3dsMax 2009/2010/2011/2012/2013 x86 / x64 英文官方原版 (2013.3.12 破解更新) [复制链接]

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楼主  发表于: 2013-03-05 只看楼主 倒序阅读


    • 插件名称:V-Ray 2.40.03 for 3dsMax_x86/x64
    • 插件版本:2.40.03
    • 插件类型:国外插件
    • 文件类型:纯插件
    • 适用软件平台:Max2009,Max2009(64),Max2010,Max2010(64),Max2011,Max2011(64),Max2012,Max2012(64),Max2013,Max2013(64)
    • 系统平台:XP,XP(64),2003,2003(64),VISTA,VISTA(64),WIN7,WIN7(64),WIN8,WIN8(64)
    • 官方网址:

    VRay Adv 2.40.03 for 3dsMax2009/2010/2011/2012/2013/2014_32bit/64bit(高级渲染)中英文切换加强版+中英文二用安装 AUxM)H *!g 24  
           V-Ray for 3dsMax 是 3dsMax 的高级全局照明渲染器,是专业渲染引擎公司 Chaos Software 公司设计完成的拥有“光线跟踪”和“全局照明”渲染器,用来代替 Max 原有的“线性扫描渲染器”,VRay 还包括了其他增强性能的特性,包括真实的“三维运动模煳”、“微三角面置换”、“焦散”、通过 VRay 材质的调节完成“次表面散射”的 SSS 效果、和“网络分布式渲染”等等。 79SqYe=&uy  
           目前世界上出色的渲染器却为数不多,如:Chaos Software 公司的 VRay, SplutterFish 公司的 Brail,Cebas 公司的 FinalRender,Autodesk 公司的 Lightcape,还有运行在 Maya 上的 Renderman 等。这几款渲染器各有所长,但 VRay 的灵活性、易用性更见长,并且 VRay 还有焦散之王的美誉。 w{3Q( =&  
    Changelog mG831v?  
    New features: s) Cpi  
    xMD rE?  
    VRayHairFarmMod: Added support for rendering HairFarm 2.0 with V-Ray; Mo}H_8y  
    VRayProxy: Support for Alembic .abc files; `,wc Q  
    V-Ray RT: Support for instancing; |l|_dn  
    V-Ray RT: Support for Forest Pro instancing; K8?zgRG3~N  
    V-Ray RT CPU: Faster update when adjusting VRayLights; Y4mC_4EU  
    V-Ray RT GPU: CUDA speed optimizations and optimizations for GK110 cards; T8n-u b<  
    V-Ray RT GPU: Support for the ColorCorrection texture; u8Y~_)\MA  
    V-Ray RT GPU: Support for the Mix texture; Kb}MF9?:e  
    ht?CH Uu  
    Modified features: d,W/M(S  
    V-Ray: Added include/exclude object lists for different color channels to the MultiMatte render element; %drJ p6n%  
    V-Ray: Added option to the VRayExtraTex render element to avoid auto-renaming the element when the texture is changed; Aj,]n>{  
    V-Ray: Default memory limit for dynamic geometry changed to 4000 MB for x64 versions; #wF1  
    V-Ray: Fixed issue that was slowing down multi-core rendering for VRayProxy objects; OCCEL9d  
    V-Ray: Optimized multi-core rendering for OpenEXR textures; Vu}806kB  
    V-Ray: Optimized unnecessary velocity calculations when no velocity channel is needed; $,TGP+vH  
    V-Ray: V-Ray components now register in the respective menus across different language 3ds Max builds; Vt'L1Wr0v  
    V-Ray RT CPU: Added support for VRayHairMtl; <P1rqM9^  
    V-Ray RT CPU: Added support for VRayFur; U IfH*6X  
    V-Ray scene converter: Added mr_Sun/mr_Sky lights in export to VRaySun/VRaySky respectively; NCi>S%pD`<  
    V-Ray scene exporter: Added subdivided geometry export; n12UBvc}%  
    VRayEdgesTex: Improved the round corners algorithm; >8|+%pK8<  
    VRayAmbientLight: Made some of the parameters animated; RX'-99M  
    VRayFur: Added "Level Of Detail" option to reduce geometry along the distance from the camera; UFe(4]^  
    VRayHDRI: Added "Color space" section and moved the "Gamma" option there; 9x? B5Ap[  
    VRayIESLight: Added an option to override the IES shape; J*j5#V];  
    VRayIESLight: Made selecting both the light and it's target when clicking on the line between them; '.Z4 hHX  
    VRayLight: Added a preview of the "directionality" parameter of VRayLights in the viewports; dAL3.%  
    VRayLight: Added "targeted" option for rectangle VRayLights; k9mi5Oc  
    VRayLight/VRayIESLight: Added textured lighting in Nitrous  viewport,  for Dome light enabled by an environment variable  VRAY_DOME_VIEWPORT=1;   Bd5+/G=m  
    VRayMeshGeom: The sample plugin was extended to create V-Ray Standalone shaders on the fly; EY=FDlV  
    VRayMtl: Made "Fog color" mappable; RPH1''*!  
    VRayMtl: Made reflections to affect the alpha of matte objects; _y vLu j  
    VRayMtlGLSL: Added ability to save and load compiled shaders; L\e>B>u  
    VRayMtlGLSL: Added cubemap texture support; ]\Xc9N8w  
    VRayMtlGLSL: Added viewport color parameter; =X-Tcj?3g  
    VRayMtlGLSL: Added vr_brdf_light builtin BRDF support; cSK&[>i)4  
    VRayProxy: Support for flipping of Z/Y axis; qaVy.  
    VRayProxy: Support for visibility lists for .vrmesh and .abc files; l?8)6z#Zl  
    VRaySphereFade: Added support for box and cylinder gizmos; MT6/2d  
    ply2vrmesh: Added option to specify the name of the velocity attribute (-velocityAttrName); Qx)Jtb0`V  
    ply2vrmesh: Added support for .hclassic and .bhclassic files produced by Houdini 12; ,*Z.  
    ply2vrmesh: Added support for color sets from .bgeo files; ?2#(jZ# 2  
    ply2vrmesh: Added support for exporting the face and vertex normals in .geo and .bgeo files; Tycq1i^  
    ply2vrmesh: Added ability to store the V-Ray user attributes when creating a proxy; ! bU\zH  
    JOb MZA$  
    Bug fixes: h}L}[   
    Hair&Fur: Fixed crash when lit by VRayLightMtl with Direct Illumination on; 6!q#x[A  
    Hair&Fur: Fixed incorrect result with VRayHairInfoTex texture in "Position along strand" mode; cz/Q/%j$/  
    Hair&Fur: Fixed random swap of custom materials between different Hair&Fur modifiers when reloading a scene; Bs ;|D  
    Hair&Fur: Fixed memory leak after rendering a frame since V-Ray 2.3; 8K"+,s(%R  
    imapviewer: Fixed crash when incrementally loading irradiance maps; RA O`i>@  
    V-Ray: Enabled by default all channels in the MultiMatte render element; Uf\nFB? ^  
    V-Ray: Fixed crash when pressing the "Remove" button in the VRayLightSelect element with empty lights list; :6{`~=  
    V-Ray: Fixed export of objects with ':' in the names, failing to compose file name; fJAnKUF)  
    V-Ray: Fixed incorrect normals for ParticleFlow systems with ShapeInstance where the instanced object has explicit normals; ,*I@  
    V-Ray: Fixed issue causing random crashes when updating material swatches with VRayCarPaintMtl material or bitmap textures; #z'uRHx%=0  
    V-Ray: Fixed issue causing white edges on matte objects lit with 3ds Max lights with area shadows; @Xp~2@I=ls  
    V-Ray: Fixed issue with V-Ray object properties not applied when changing more than one at a time; _-TA{21)  
    V-Ray: Fixed misspelled "caustics_autoSave" maxscript property; .;7> y7$*  
    V-Ray: Fixed some warnings that appeared incorrectly due to 3ds Max 2013 Unicode support; O1&b]C#  
    V-Ray: Fixed standard lights' "Atmosphere shadows" option of doesn't work properly with area VRayShadows; *l&S-=]  
    V-Ray: Fixed UI issue with MultiMatte render element RGB channel names; txgQ"MGA%  
    V-Ray: Fixed V-Ray materials' to appear in the respective categories in the material editor; NB_ )ZEmF  
    V-Ray RT: Fixed Maxscript access for .warn_unsupported property; v"& pQ  
    V-Ray RT: Fixed VRayBlendMtl as coat of another VRayBlendMtl to render properly; `Z"Q^  
    V-Ray RT: Mirroring instance of VrayIES light using Offset spinner while running RT sent the light to wrong coordinates; WI> P-D  
    V-Ray RT: GI multipliers by object which are greater than 1.0 were not working in RT; <_Z:'~Zp  
    V-Ray RT CPU: Fixed artifacts in layered materials; Isy'{ -H  
    V-Ray RT GPU: Fixed calculations precision on CUDA and OpenCL rendering causing artifacts; g-c ;}qz  
    V-Ray RT GPU: Fixed crash with 8-bit texture mode and light textures; za Tb~#c_  
    V-Ray RT GPU: Fixed OpenCL issue with wrong transparent shadows with motion blur; j>uj=B@  
    V-Ray RT GPU: Fixed OpenCL issue with motion blurred dome lights; j>Iaq"  
    V-Ray RT GPU: Scaled IES lights produced different result from the production renderer; $$b 9&mTl#  
    V-Ray scene exporter: Fixed photometric lights conversion to IES lights; 9O{b]=>wq  
    V-Ray scene exporter: Fixed Render Elements manager retrieval when selected ActiveShade rendering; ~Tbj=f  
    VFB: Fixed issue with multithreaded ICC profiles loading, that could cause either miscalculations or crash; \^I>Q _LU  
    VRayCarPaint/VRayFlakesMtl: Fixed issue with the flakes layer not respecting the global reflection depth limit; qTZFPfyU  
    VRayDisplacementMod: Fixed crash when "Edge length" option is set to 0,0; ~{sG| ;/!*  
    VRayDisplacementMod: Fixed incorrect displacement result on mirrored geometry when using Noise modifier and motion blur; Zo1,1O  
    VRayDistanceTex: Fixed to work as bump map; "ju6XdZo  
    VRayFlakesMtl: Fixed wrong buckets when rendering with DMC sampler; {*{Ox[Nh{  
    VRayGLSLMtl: GLSL materials were receiving no GI when evaluating shaders executed in light loop mode; >pUtwIP  
    VRayHairMtl: Fixed random crash in case when applied to normal geometry; lHgs;>U$  
    VRayHairMtl: Optimized material sampling; eX@L3BKp  
    VRayIESLight: Fixed an issue preventing the light to be selected in the viewport with no IES profile assigned; jKt7M>P  
    VRayIESLight: Fixed "Autogrid" option in creation mode; 6@DF  
    VRayIESLight: Fixed crash when setting ies profile through MaxScript; cnTaJ/o  
    VRayLensEffects: Fixed issue with remaining render elements in the VFB when the effect is deleted; ,VO2a mI  
    VRayLight: 3ds Max crash with dome light; &b:1I 7Cp*  
    VRayLight: Fixed incorrect tab order of UI controls; {<<U^<6}  
    VRayLight: Fixed issue causing the UI to disappear when switching the light type in 3ds Max 2013; 0_88V  
    VRayLight: Fixed issue causing the UI to malfunction when toggling "enable HW lighting" during creation; UX7t`l2R  
    VRayLight/VRayIESLight: Fixed issue with enabling/disabling Nitrous viewport lighting; 82l~G;.n3  
    VRayLight/VRayPhysicalCamera: Fixed issue with instanced  targeted Vray  cameras and lights causing flickering of "target distance"  parameter; vN;mP d~g  
    VRayLightMtl: Fixed issue when in X-Ref'd scene with direct illumination mode on; -B +4+&{T  
    VRayMtl: Fixed "Affect shadows" option to work with enabled caustics; `nu''B H  
    VRayEnvironmentFog: The "fog height" parameter could not take negative values; 1y}Y9mlD.  
    VRayOrnatrixMod: Fixed issue concerning hairs collections with varying number of guide points per strand;   7Op>i,HZk\  
    VRayPhysicalCamera: Fixed the "Horizontal offset" and  "vertical  offset" options showing different result in the viewport and  the  render; PUUwv_  
    VRayPhysicalCamera: Fixed issue with animated zoom and motion blur; Hl,W=2N  
    VRayPlane: Fixed rendering with VRayBPTracer; hv?9*tLh0  
    VRayStereoscopic: Fixed shade map improperly generated file names; j:v@pzTD  
    VRayBlendMtl: Displacement in the base material was not rendered; u ,KD4{!  
    VRayFastSSS2: Fixed artifacts when rendering point-cached motion-blurred geometry with displacement; wfH^<jY)E  
    ply2vrmesh: Fixed crash during RealFlow .bin files conversion; #"G]ke1l$  
    ply2vrmesh: Fixed crash when converting .obj file containing face definitions with negative indexes; @u6B;)'l  
    2.40.03: , K~}\CR  
    Changes for v2.40.03 are: C&(N I  
    - You can now map the FogColor swatch in the VRayMtl rD 3v$B  
    - Fixes an issue with VRayMtl translucency m+]K;}.}R  
    uxr #QA  
    ×××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××× rC^WPW  
    2013.3.12 破解更新;由于之前的破解不完善,只可以打开渲染器,但无法渲染,现已更新破解! *Q "wwpl?  
    破解方法: I;wp':  
    1. 先安装 V-Ray ; YJT&{jYi  
    2. 把 Crack 中的 vray20XX.dll 放置到你的 MAX 根目录下,如:X:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 20XX\  内覆盖它; LTQ"8  
    3. 把 Crack 中的 cgauth.dll 放置到你的 MAX 根目录下,如:X:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 20XX\ .SU8)T  
            和 C:\Program Files\Chaos Group\V-Ray\RT for 3ds Max 20XX for x86 or x64\bin 内覆盖它。
    描述:V-Ray 2.40.03 for 3dsMax 2009_x64 英文官方原版 [91.8M]
    附件: (1 K)更新于: 2013-03-05 20:14:08下载次数: 485[ 下载方法 ]
    描述:V-Ray 2.40.03 for 3dsMax 2009_x86 英文官方原版 [81.5M]
    附件: (1 K)更新于: 2013-03-05 20:14:51下载次数: 51[ 下载方法 ]
    描述:V-Ray 2.40.03 for 3dsMax 2010_x64 英文官方原版 [91.3M]
    附件: (1 K)更新于: 2013-03-05 20:15:25下载次数: 296[ 下载方法 ]
    描述:V-Ray 2.40.03 for 3dsMax 2010_x86 英文官方原版 [81.3M]
    附件: (1 K)更新于: 2013-03-05 20:15:52下载次数: 253[ 下载方法 ]
    描述:V-Ray 2.40.03 for 3dsMax 2011_x64 英文官方原版 [91.6M]
    附件: (1 K)更新于: 2013-03-05 20:16:42下载次数: 254[ 下载方法 ]
    描述:V-Ray 2.40.03 for 3dsMax 2011_x86 英文官方原版 [81.5M]
    附件: (1 K)更新于: 2013-03-05 20:17:12下载次数: 75[ 下载方法 ]
    描述:V-Ray 2.40.03 for 3dsMax 2012_x64 英文官方原版 [93.8M]
    附件: (1 K)更新于: 2013-03-05 20:17:44下载次数: 802[ 下载方法 ]
    描述:V-Ray 2.40.03 for 3dsMax 2012_x86 英文官方原版 [83.1M]
    附件: (1 K)更新于: 2013-03-05 20:18:19下载次数: 330[ 下载方法 ]
    描述:V-Ray 2.40.03 for 3dsMax 2013_x64 英文官方原版 [94.2M]
    附件: (1 K)更新于: 2013-03-05 20:19:05下载次数: 805[ 下载方法 ]
    描述:V-Ray 2.40.03 for 3dsMax 2013_x86 英文官方原版 [83.4M]
    附件: (1 K)更新于: 2013-03-05 20:19:34下载次数: 104[ 下载方法 ]
    中国龙 金币 +15 不错,感谢 2013-03-05
    离线 中国龙
    发表于: 2013-03-05 只看该作者
    离线 seanallan
    发表于: 2013-03-05 只看该作者
    离线 乡土中国
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    离线 et32200
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    离线 l8397
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    离线 刘威
    发表于: 2013-03-06 只看该作者
    离线 陆晶辉
    发表于: 2013-03-06 只看该作者
    2.4出了 不知道 解决掉渲染速度慢的问题了没
    离线 dulipaisheji
    发表于: 2013-03-06 只看该作者
    离线 dulipaisheji
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