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vray_demo_34003_max2015_x64 [复制链接]

  • 3011阅读
  • 8回复
离线 520dandan
楼主  发表于: 2016-09-04 只看楼主 倒序阅读


vray_demo_34003_max2015_x64 出来了,大家来试试新功能!
离线 520dandan
发表于: 2016-09-04 只看该作者
文件太大发不上来,正在上传到百度云,稍后给上百度云下载连接! %s#`i$|z*n  
Q I.*6-(  
链接: 密码:b7y0 o4Bl!7U  
离线 520dandan
发表于: 2016-09-04 只看该作者
Build 3.40.03 (official) (30 August 2016) #g=XUZ/"  
============== "L1Zi.)  
Modified features: AS,%RN^.  
(*) VRayVolumeGrid: Added channel data interval information to the cache info; }Lv;!  
(*) VRayVolumeGrid: Create default lights for the GPU preview if there are none; & ~!Wym  
(*) VRayVolumeGrid: Rename "Analytic" scattering to "Approximate"; /bEAK-  
Bug fixes: _6Ha  
(*) V-Ray: 3ds Max was crashing when switching focus to it with a radio button active; KG@8RtHsQ  
(*) V-Ray: Fixed rendering slowdown on the main machine with DR since 3.40.01; Ah<+y\C  
(*) V-Ray: Enabled back running on Windows XP; Tr|JYLwF  
(*) V-Ray: It was possible to add empty servers addresses for DR; &R siVBA  
(*) V-Ray RT: Color mapping "Affect background" was not exported; S$k&vc(0  
(*) V-Ray RT: Crash with Ornatrix hairs placed on top of VRayDisplacementMod; *dF>_F  
(*) V-Ray RT: Region rendering with DR was very slow during ActiveShade; h$=2p5'-  
(*) VRay RT GPU: Enabled back VRayTriplanarTex for bump, since 3.40.01; nd(S3rct&  
(*) VRay RT GPU: Misplaced bump map with UDIM tiling; qVPeB,kIz  
(*) VRay RT GPU: VRayBumpMtl was not working with VRayEdgesTex when the base material also has bump; h1{3njdr  
(*) VRayColor2Bump: Bump effect was offset; H:G1BZjq  
(*) VRayProxy: Preview meshes were not loading when opening scenes with XRef scenes in them; Nluoqo ac  
(*) VRayVolumeGrid: Crash when deleting a light that is excluded in the GPU preview list; X(C$@N  
(*) VRayVolumeGrid: Crash when loading a cache while RT is running; Gc!x|V;T  
(*) VRayVolumeGrid: Krakatoa and Stoke MX were using the same frame from the velocity field of imported caches; 'n|5ZhXPB  
(*) VRayVolumeGrid: Using Self-illumination, results were different according to number of rendering cores; \Roz$t-R|f  
Build 3.40.02 (official) (14 June 2016) ETLD$=iS  
============== B?qjkP  
Modified features:  }75e:w[  
(*) VRayDenoiser: Prevent the denoiser render elements from saving as separate files; qFNes)_r  
(*) VRayOSLMtl/VRayOSLTex: Speed up texture sampling; qw8Rlws%  
(*) vdenoise.exe: Add "-abortOnOpenCLError" to stop hardware accelerated denoising on errors; L6LZC2N+2  
(*) vdenoise.exe: Add "-frames" option that allows to specify the frames to process; G9 :l'\  
(*) vdenoise.exe: Add "-verboseLevel" option; R$Q.sE  
Bug fixes: BUR*n;V`  
(*) V-Ray: Materials with self-illumination enabled render incorrectly when light cache is secondary GI engine; `@ FYkH  
(*) V-Ray: Fixed problems with light cache "Store direct light" when using IR+LC after V-Ray 3.40.01; {GO#.P"  
(*) V-Ray RT: "Elements active" option in Render Elements tab is not working; _~ &iq1  
(*) VRay RT GPU: Fireflies appear on scene with VRayFastSSS2; nLiY%x`S  
(*) VRay RT GPU: Highlight glossiness still renders when Trace reflections option is disabled; V!dtF,tH  
(*) VFB: Clicking on the white area of the scroll bar in the color corrections window scrolls by just one pixel; `#gie$B{  
(*) VFB: Image messes up when scrolling in the window; 9E6R0D}  
(*) VFB: Toolbar icons are not stretched over the entire buttons when screen dpi is changed; "Yca%:  
(*) VRayDenoiser: Denoising artifact appears on images with fireflies; d:{O\   
(*) VRayDenoiser: Hardware accelerated denoiser messes up the progress bar during progressive rendering; O#u=c1 ?:  
(*) VRayDenoiser: Returns black result on some computers when hardware accelerated; n}77##+R&C  
(*) VRayGLSLMtl/VRayGLSLTex: The __color keyword is not respected; ->{KVPHe{  
(*) VRayGLSLMtl/VRayGLSLTex: Bool uniforms with initializers get random values; ss e.*75U  
(*) VRayHDRI: Lag when switching between Shaded and Wireframe viewport modes; ;ZG\p TCA  
(*) VRayOSLMtl/VRayOSLTex: Empty texmap inputs lead to input parameters after them to be skipped; BRYHX.}h\A  
(*) VRayStereoscopic: Fixed artifacts in the render; Y)a^(!<H<  
(*) VRayTriplanarTex: Crash when connected to a bump slot and has VRayNormalMap; (%:c#;#  
(*) vdenoise.exe: Doesn't work with network paths for input files;
离线 zhn1018
发表于: 2016-09-04 只看该作者
离线 scqwer
发表于: 2016-09-06 只看该作者
非常需要啊 vray 谢谢
离线 520dandan
发表于: 2016-09-07 只看该作者
这个版本的破解版不知道什么时候出来,现在的3.40.01 其实有问题,分布式渲染,只要加了VR去杂点的元素,渲完了必MAX崩溃
离线 520dandan
发表于: 2016-09-11 只看该作者
离线 520dandan
发表于: 2016-12-14 只看该作者
离线 qw668746
发表于: 2018-01-20 只看该作者
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